The list below contains: | Sort this list by: | Expand this list with: | Remove from this list: | Translate into: |
Mnemonic | Opcode | Mask | Name | Category |
DC.A | -- | DC - Address | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.AD | -- | DC - Address in Doubleword | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.B | -- | DC - Binary data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.C | -- | DC - Character data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.CA | -- | DC - Character data Ascii | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.CE | -- | DC - Character data Ebcdic | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.CU | -- | DC - Character data Unicode | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.D | -- | DC - Double hfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.DB | -- | DC - Double Bfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.DD | -- | DC - Double Dfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.DH | -- | DC - Double Hfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.E | -- | DC - Exponential hfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.EB | -- | DC - Exponential Bfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.ED | -- | DC - Exponential Dfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.EH | -- | DC - Exponential Hfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.F | -- | DC - Fixed-point binary data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.FD | -- | DC - Fixed-point Doubleword binary data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.G | -- | DC - Graphic character data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.H | -- | DC - Halfword signed binary data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.J | -- | DC - J-type data - length of external dummy section or class | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.JD | -- | DC - J-type data Doubleword - length of external dummy section or class | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.L | -- | DC - Long exponential hfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.LB | -- | DC - Long exponential Bfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.LD | -- | DC - Long exponential Dfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.LH | -- | DC - Long exponential Hfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.LQ | -- | DC - Long exponential hfp data Quadword aligned | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.P | -- | DC - Packed decimal data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.Q | -- | DC - Q-type data - external dummy section offset | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.QD | -- | DC - Q-type Doubleword data - external dummy section offset | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.QY | -- | DC - Q-type Yonder - external dummy section offset | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.R | -- | DC - Relocatable psect address | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.RD | -- | DC - Relocatable Doubleword psect address | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.S | -- | DC - Standard base-displacement address | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.SY | -- | DC - Standard Yonder base-displacement address | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.V | -- | DC - oVerlay address | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.VD | -- | DC - oVerlay Doubleword address | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.X | -- | DC - heXadecimal data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.Y | -- | DC - Y-type data - address | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DC.Z | -- | DC - Zoned decimal data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.A | -- | DS - Address | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.AD | -- | DS - Address in Doubleword | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.B | -- | DS - Binary data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.C | -- | DS - Character data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.CA | -- | DS - Character data Ascii | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.CE | -- | DS - Character data Ebcdic | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.CU | -- | DS - Character data Unicode | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.D | -- | DS - Double hfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.DB | -- | DS - Double Bfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.DD | -- | DS - Double Dfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.DH | -- | DS - Double Hfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.E | -- | DS - Exponential hfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.EB | -- | DS - Exponential Bfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.ED | -- | DS - Exponential Dfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.EH | -- | DS - Exponential Hfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.F | -- | DS - Fixed-point binary data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.FD | -- | DS - Fixed-point Doubleword binary data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.G | -- | DS - Graphic character data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.H | -- | DS - Halfword signed binary data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.J | -- | DS - J-type data - length of external dummy section or class | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.JD | -- | DS - J-type data Doubleword - length of external dummy section or class | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.L | -- | DS - Long exponential hfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.LB | -- | DS - Long exponential Bfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.LD | -- | DS - Long exponential Dfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.LH | -- | DS - Long exponential Hfp data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.LQ | -- | DS - Long exponential hfp data Quadword aligned | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.P | -- | DS - Packed decimal data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.Q | -- | DS - Q-type data - external dummy section offset | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.QD | -- | DS - Q-type Doubleword data - external dummy section offset | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.QY | -- | DS - Q-type Yonder - external dummy section offset | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.R | -- | DS - Relocatable psect address | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.RD | -- | DS - Relocatable Doubleword psect address | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.S | -- | DS - Standard base-displacement address | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.SY | -- | DS - Standard Yonder base-displacement address | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.V | -- | DS - oVerlay address | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.VD | -- | DS - oVerlay Doubleword address | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.X | -- | DS - heXadecimal data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.Y | -- | DS - Y-type data - address | Directive - assembler instruction | |
DS.Z | -- | DS - Zoned decimal data | Directive - assembler instruction | |
PXLO.IPTE | ????.?? | PXLO - Invalidate Page Table Entry | Function code | |
PXLO.LAA | ????.?? | PXLO - Load Absolute Address | Function code | |
PXLO.LASCE | ????.?? | PXLO - Load Address Space Control Element | Function code | |
PXLO.LHPTE | ????.?? | PXLO - Load Host Page Table Entry | Function code | |
PXLO.LHRA | ????.?? | PXLO - Load Host Real Address | Function code | |
PXLO.LPTE | ????.?? | PXLO - Load Page Table Entry | Function code | |
PXLO.LRA | ????.?? | PXLO - Load Real Address | Function code | |
PXLO.PDC | ????.?? | PXLO - Purge Data Cache | Function code | |
PXLO.PIC | ????.?? | PXLO - Purge Instruction Cache | Function code | |
PXLO.PTLB | ????.?? | PXLO - Purge TLB | Function code | |
PXLO.RTLB | ????.?? | PXLO - Read TLB | Function code | |
PXLO.WTLB | ????.?? | PXLO - Write TLB | Function code | |
SYSOP.??? | ???? | SYSOP - various subfunctions | Function code | |
NOPR | 07 | 0000 | No-OPeration Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BOR | 07 | 0001 | Branch on Ones / Overflow Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BHR | 07 | 0010 | Branch on High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BPR | 07 | 0010 | Branch on Plus Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BLR | 07 | 0100 | Branch on Low Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BMR | 07 | 0100 | Branch on Mixed / Minus Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BNER | 07 | 0111 | Branch on Not Equal Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BNZR | 07 | 0111 | Branch on Not Zero Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BER | 07 | 1000 | Branch on Equal Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BZR | 07 | 1000 | Branch on Zero Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BNLR | 07 | 1011 | Branch on Not Low Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BNMR | 07 | 1011 | Branch on Not Mixed / Minus Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BNHR | 07 | 1101 | Branch on Not High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BNPR | 07 | 1101 | Branch on Not Plus Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BNOR | 07 | 1110 | Branch on Not Ones / Overflow Register | Extended Mnemonic |
BR | 07 | 1111 | Branch Register | Extended Mnemonic |
NOP | 47 | 0000 | No-OPeration | Extended Mnemonic |
BO | 47 | 0001 | Branch on Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
BH | 47 | 0010 | Branch on High | Extended Mnemonic |
BP | 47 | 0010 | Branch on Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
BL | 47 | 0100 | Branch on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
BM | 47 | 0100 | Branch on Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
BNE | 47 | 0111 | Branch on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
BNZ | 47 | 0111 | Branch on Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
BE | 47 | 1000 | Branch on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
BZ | 47 | 1000 | Branch on Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
BNL | 47 | 1011 | Branch on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
BNM | 47 | 1011 | Branch on Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
BNH | 47 | 1101 | Branch on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
BNP | 47 | 1101 | Branch on Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
BNO | 47 | 1110 | Branch on Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
B | 47 | 1111 | Branch | Extended Mnemonic |
SIGP.SENS | AE.01 | SIGP - SENSe | Function code | |
SIGP.EC | AE.02 | SIGP - External Call | Function code | |
SIGP.ES | AE.03 | SIGP - Emergency Signal | Function code | |
SIGP.STRT | AE.04 | SIGP - STaRT | Function code | |
SIGP.STOP | AE.05 | SIGP - STOP | Function code | |
SIGP.RSTRT | AE.06 | SIGP - ReSTaRT | Function code | |
SIGP.SASTS | AE.09 | SIGP - Stop And STore Status | Function code | |
SIGP.ICR | AE.0B | SIGP - Initial Cpu Reset | Function code | |
SIGP.CR | AE.0C | SIGP - Cpu Reset | Function code | |
SIGP.SPFX | AE.0D | SIGP - Set PreFiX | Function code | |
SIGP.STSA | AE.0E | SIGP - STore Status at Address | Function code | |
SIGP.STESA | AE.11 | SIGP - STore Extended Status at Address | Function code | |
SIGP.SA | AE.12 | SIGP - Set Architecture | Function code | |
SIGP.CES | AE.13 | SIGP - Conditional Emergency Signal | Function code | |
SIGP.SENSRS | AE.15 | SIGP - SENSe Running Status | Function code | |
SIGP.SMT | AE.16 | SIGP - Set MultiThreading | Function code | |
SIGP.STASA | AE.17 | SIGP - STore Additional Status at Address | Function code | |
PLO.CL | EE.00 | PLO - Compare and Load | Function code | |
PLO.CLG | EE.01 | PLO - Compare and Load Grande | Function code | |
PLO.CLGR | EE.02 | PLO - Compare and Load Grande Register | Function code | |
PLO.CLX | EE.03 | PLO - Compare and Load eXtended | Function code | |
PLO.CS | EE.04 | PLO - Compare and Swap | Function code | |
PLO.CSG | EE.05 | PLO - Compare and Swap Grande | Function code | |
PLO.CSGR | EE.06 | PLO - Compare and Swap Grande Register | Function code | |
PLO.CSX | EE.07 | PLO - Compare and Swap eXtended | Function code | |
PLO.DCS | EE.08 | PLO - Double Compare and Swap | Function code | |
PLO.DCSG | EE.09 | PLO - Double Compare and Swap Grande | Function code | |
PLO.DCSGR | EE.0A | PLO - Double Compare and Swap Grande Register | Function code | |
PLO.DCSX | EE.0B | PLO - Double Compare and Swap eXtended | Function code | |
PLO.CSST | EE.0C | PLO - Compare and Swap and STore | Function code | |
PLO.CSSTG | EE.0D | PLO - Compare and Swap and STore Grande | Function code | |
PLO.CSSTGR | EE.0E | PLO - Compare and Swap and STore Grande Register | Function code | |
PLO.CSSTX | EE.0F | PLO - Compare and Swap and STore eXtended | Function code | |
PLO.CSDST | EE.10 | PLO - Compare and Swap and Double STore | Function code | |
PLO.CSDSTG | EE.11 | PLO - Compare and Swap and Double STore Grande | Function code | |
PLO.CSDSTGR | EE.12 | PLO - Compare and Swap and Double STore Grande Register | Function code | |
PLO.CSDSTX | EE.13 | PLO - Compare and Swap and Double STore eXtended | Function code | |
PLO.CSTST | EE.14 | PLO - Compare and Swap and Triple STore | Function code | |
PLO.CSTSTG | EE.15 | PLO - Compare and Swap and Triple STore Grande | Function code | |
PLO.CSTSTGR | EE.16 | PLO - Compare and Swap and Triple STore Grande Register | Function code | |
PLO.CSTSTX | EE.17 | PLO - Compare and Swap and Triple STore eXtended | Function code | |
PTFF.QAF | 0104.00 | PTFF - Query Available Functions | Function code | |
PTFF.QTO | 0104.01 | PTFF - Query Time-of-day Offset | Function code | |
PTFF.QSI | 0104.02 | PTFF - Query Steering Information | Function code | |
PTFF.QPT | 0104.03 | PTFF - Query Physical clock-Time | Function code | |
PTFF.QUI | 0104.04 | PTFF - Query Utc Information | Function code | |
PTFF.QTOU | 0104.05 | PTFF - Query Time-of-day Offset User | Function code | |
PTFF.QSIE | 0104.0A | PTFF - Query Steering Information Extended | Function code | |
PTFF.QTOUE | 0104.0D | PTFF - Query Time-of-day Offset User Extended | Function code | |
PTFF.STO | 0104.41 | PTFF - Set Time-of-day Offset | Function code | |
PTFF.STOU | 0104.45 | PTFF - Set Time-of-day Offset User | Function code | |
PTFF.STOE | 0104.49 | PTFF - Set Time-of-day Offset Extended | Function code | |
PTFF.STOUE | 0104.4D | PTFF - Set Time-of-day Offset User Extended | Function code | |
PFPO.CFPR | 010A.01 | PFPO - Convert Floating-Point Radix | Function code | |
JNOP | A74 | 0000 | Jump No-OPeration | Extended Mnemonic |
BRO | A74 | 0001 | Branch Relative on Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
JO | A74 | 0001 | Jump on Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
BRH | A74 | 0010 | Branch Relative on High | Extended Mnemonic |
BRP | A74 | 0010 | Branch Relative on Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
JH | A74 | 0010 | Jump on High | Extended Mnemonic |
JP | A74 | 0010 | Jump on Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
BRL | A74 | 0100 | Branch Relative on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
BRM | A74 | 0100 | Branch Relative on Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
JL | A74 | 0100 | Jump on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
JM | A74 | 0100 | Jump on Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNE | A74 | 0111 | Branch Relative on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNZ | A74 | 0111 | Branch Relative on Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
JNE | A74 | 0111 | Jump on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
JNZ | A74 | 0111 | Jump on Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
BRE | A74 | 1000 | Branch Relative on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
BRZ | A74 | 1000 | Branch Relative on Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
JE | A74 | 1000 | Jump on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
JZ | A74 | 1000 | Jump on Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNL | A74 | 1011 | Branch Relative on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNM | A74 | 1011 | Branch Relative on Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
JNL | A74 | 1011 | Jump on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
JNM | A74 | 1011 | Jump on Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNH | A74 | 1101 | Branch Relative on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNP | A74 | 1101 | Branch Relative on Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
JNH | A74 | 1101 | Jump on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
JNP | A74 | 1101 | Jump on Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNO | A74 | 1110 | Branch Relative on Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
JNO | A74 | 1110 | Jump on Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
BRU | A74 | 1111 | Branch Relative Unconditional | Extended Mnemonic |
J | A74 | 1111 | Jump | Extended Mnemonic |
PPA.TAA | B2E8.01 | PPA - Transaction-Abort Assist | Function code | |
PPA.IOXA | B2E8.0F | PPA - In-Order eXecution Assist | Function code | |
KMAC.QUERY | B91E.00 | KMAC - QUERY | Function code | |
KMAC.DEA | B91E.01 | KMAC - Data Encryption Algorithm | Function code | |
KMAC.TDEA128 | B91E.02 | KMAC - Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 128-bit | Function code | |
KMAC.TDEA192 | B91E.03 | KMAC - Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 192-bit | Function code | |
KMAC.EDEA | B91E.09 | KMAC - Encrypted Data Encryption Algorithm | Function code | |
KMAC.ETDEA128 | B91E.0A | KMAC - Encrypted Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 128-bit | Function code | |
KMAC.ETDEA192 | B91E.0B | KMAC - Encrypted Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 192-bit | Function code | |
KMAC.AES128 | B91E.12 | KMAC - Advanced Encryption Standard 128-bit | Function code | |
KMAC.AES192 | B91E.13 | KMAC - Advanced Encryption Standard 192-bit | Function code | |
KMAC.AES256 | B91E.14 | KMAC - Advanced Encryption Standard 256-bit | Function code | |
KMAC.EAES128 | B91E.1A | KMAC - Encrypted Advanced Encryption Standard 128-bit | Function code | |
KMAC.EAES192 | B91E.1B | KMAC - Encrypted Advanced Encryption Standard 192-bit | Function code | |
KMAC.EAES256 | B91E.1C | KMAC - Encrypted Advanced Encryption Standard 256-bit | Function code | |
PCKMO.QUERY | B928.00 | PCKMO - QUERY | Function code | |
PCKMO.EDEA | B928.01 | PCKMO - Encrypt DEA key | Function code | |
PCKMO.ETDEA128 | B928.02 | PCKMO - Encrypt TDEA-128 key | Function code | |
PCKMO.ETDEA192 | B928.03 | PCKMO - Encrypt TDEA-192 key | Function code | |
PCKMO.EAES128 | B928.12 | PCKMO - Encrypt AES-128 key | Function code | |
PCKMO.EAES192 | B928.13 | PCKMO - Encrypt AES-192 key | Function code | |
PCKMO.EAES256 | B928.14 | PCKMO - Encrypt AES-256 key | Function code | |
PCKMO.EECC256 | B928.20 | PCKMO - Encrypt ECC-p256 key | Function code | |
PCKMO.EECC384 | B928.21 | PCKMO - Encrypt ECC-p384 key | Function code | |
PCKMO.EECC521 | B928.22 | PCKMO - Encrypt ECC-p521 key | Function code | |
PCKMO.EECC25519 | B928.28 | PCKMO - Encrypt ECC-ed25519 key | Function code | |
PCKMO.EECC448 | B928.29 | PCKMO - Encrypr ECC-ed448 key | Function code | |
KMA.QUERY | B929.00 | KMA - QUERY | Function code | |
KMA.GAES128 | B929.12 | KMA - Galois counter mode AES 128-bit | Function code | |
KMA.GAES192 | B929.13 | KMA - Galois counter mode AES 192-bit | Function code | |
KMA.GAES256 | B929.14 | KMA - Galois counter mode AES 256-bit | Function code | |
KMA.GEAES128 | B929.1A | KMA - Galois counter mode Encrypted AES 128-bit | Function code | |
KMA.GEAES192 | B929.1B | KMA - Galois counter mode Encrypted AES 192-bit | Function code | |
KMA.GEAES256 | B929.1C | KMA - Galois counter mode Encrypted AES 256-bit | Function code | |
KMF.QUERY | B92A.00 | KMF - QUERY | Function code | |
KMF.DEA | B92A.01 | KMF - Data Encryption Algorithm | Function code | |
KMF.TDEA128 | B92A.02 | KMF - Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 128-bit | Function code | |
KMF.TDEA192 | B92A.03 | KMF - Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 192-bit | Function code | |
KMF.EDEA | B92A.09 | KMF - Encrypted Data Encryption Algorithm | Function code | |
KMF.ETDEA128 | B92A.0A | KMF - Encrypted Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 128-bit | Function code | |
KMF.ETDEA192 | B92A.0B | KMF - Encrypted Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 192-bit | Function code | |
KMF.AES128 | B92A.12 | KMF - Advanced Encryption Standard 128-bit | Function code | |
KMF.AES192 | B92A.13 | KMF - Advanced Encryption Standard 192-bit | Function code | |
KMF.AES256 | B92A.14 | KMF - Advanced Encryption Standard 256-bit | Function code | |
KMF.EAES128 | B92A.1A | KMF - Encrypted Advanced Encryption Standard 128-bit | Function code | |
KMF.EAES192 | B92A.1B | KMF - Encrypted Advanced Encryption Standard 192-bit | Function code | |
KMF.EAES256 | B92A.1C | KMF - Encrypted Advanced Encryption Standard 256-bit | Function code | |
KMO.QUERY | B92B.00 | KMO - QUERY | Function code | |
KMO.DEA | B92B.01 | KMO - Data Encryption Algorithm | Function code | |
KMO.TDEA128 | B92B.02 | KMO - Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 128-bit | Function code | |
KMO.TDEA192 | B92B.03 | KMO - Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 192-bit | Function code | |
KMO.EDEA | B92B.09 | KMO - Encrypted Data Encryption Algorithm | Function code | |
KMO.ETDEA128 | B92B.0A | KMO - Encrypted Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 128-bit | Function code | |
KMO.ETDEA192 | B92B.0B | KMO - Encrypted Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 192-bit | Function code | |
KMO.AES128 | B92B.12 | KMO - Advanced Encryption Standard 128-bit | Function code | |
KMO.AES192 | B92B.13 | KMO - Advanced Encryption Standard 192-bit | Function code | |
KMO.AES256 | B92B.14 | KMO - Advanced Encryption Standard 256-bit | Function code | |
KMO.EAES128 | B92B.1A | KMO - Encrypted Advanced Encryption Standard 128-bit | Function code | |
KMO.EAES192 | B92B.1B | KMO - Encrypted Advanced Encryption Standard 192-bit | Function code | |
KMO.EAES256 | B92B.1C | KMO - Encrypted Advanced Encryption Standard 256-bit | Function code | |
PCC.QUERY | B92C.00 | PCC - QUERY | Function code | |
PCC.LDEA | B92C.01 | PCC - compute Last block cmac using DEA | Function code | |
PCC.LTDEA128 | B92C.02 | PCC - compute Last block cmac using Triple DEA-128 | Function code | |
PCC.LTDEA192 | B92C.03 | PCC - compute Last block cmac using Triple DEA-192 | Function code | |
PCC.LEDEA | B92C.09 | PCC - compute Last block cmac using Encrypted DEA | Function code | |
PCC.LETDEA128 | B92C.0A | PCC - compute Last block cmac using Encrypted Triple DEA-128 | Function code | |
PCC.LETDEA192 | B92C.0B | PCC - compute Last block cmac using Encrypted Triple DEA-192 | Function code | |
PCC.LAES128 | B92C.12 | PCC - compute Last block cmac using AES-128 | Function code | |
PCC.LAES192 | B92C.13 | PCC - compute Last block cmac using AES-192 | Function code | |
PCC.LAES256 | B92C.14 | PCC - compute Last block cmac using AES-256 | Function code | |
PCC.LEAES128 | B92C.1A | PCC - compute Last block cmac using Encrypted AES-128 | Function code | |
PCC.LEAES192 | B92C.1B | PCC - compute Last block cmac using Encrypted AES-192 | Function code | |
PCC.LEAES256 | B92C.1C | PCC - compute Last block cmac using Encrypted AES-256 | Function code | |
PCC.XAES128 | B92C.32 | PCC - compute Xts parameter using AES-128 | Function code | |
PCC.XAES256 | B92C.34 | PCC - compute Xts parameter using AES-256 | Function code | |
PCC.XEAES128 | B92C.3A | PCC - compute Xts parameter using Encrypted AES-128 | Function code | |
PCC.XEAES256 | B92C.3C | PCC - compute Xts parameter using Encrypted AES-256 | Function code | |
PCC.SMP256 | B92C.40 | PCC - Scalar Multiply P256 | Function code | |
PCC.SMP384 | B92C.41 | PCC - Scalar Multiply P384 | Function code | |
PCC.SMP521 | B92C.42 | PCC - Scalar Multiply P521 | Function code | |
PCC.SME25519 | B92C.48 | PCC - Scalar Multiply Ed25519 | Function code | |
PCC.SME448 | B92C.49 | PCC - Scalar Multiply Ed448 | Function code | |
PCC.SMX25519 | B92C.50 | PCC - Scalar Multiply X25519 | Function code | |
PCC.SMX448 | B92C.51 | PCC - Scalar Multiply X448 | Function code | |
KMCTR.QUERY | B92D.00 | KMCTR - QUERY | Function code | |
KMCTR.DEA | B92D.01 | KMCTR - Data Encryption Algorithm | Function code | |
KMCTR.TDEA128 | B92D.02 | KMCTR - Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 128-bit | Function code | |
KMCTR.TDEA192 | B92D.03 | KMCTR - Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 192-bit | Function code | |
KMCTR.EDEA | B92D.09 | KMCTR - Encrypted Data Encryption Algorithm | Function code | |
KMCTR.ETDEA128 | B92D.0A | KMCTR - Encrypted Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 128-bit | Function code | |
KMCTR.ETDEA192 | B92D.0B | KMCTR - Encrypted Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 192-bit | Function code | |
KMCTR.AES128 | B92D.12 | KMCTR - Advanced Encryption Standard 128-bit | Function code | |
KMCTR.AES192 | B92D.13 | KMCTR - Advanced Encryption Standard 192-bit | Function code | |
KMCTR.AES256 | B92D.14 | KMCTR - Advanced Encryption Standard 256-bit | Function code | |
KMCTR.EAES128 | B92D.1A | KMCTR - Encrypted Advanced Encryption Standard 128-bit | Function code | |
KMCTR.EAES192 | B92D.1B | KMCTR - Encrypted Advanced Encryption Standard 192-bit | Function code | |
KMCTR.EAES256 | B92D.1C | KMCTR - Encrypted Advanced Encryption Standard 256-bit | Function code | |
KM.QUERY | B92E.00 | KM - QUERY | Function code | |
KM.DEA | B92E.01 | KM - Data Encryption Algorithm | Function code | |
KM.TDEA128 | B92E.02 | KM - Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 128-bit | Function code | |
KM.TDEA192 | B92E.03 | KM - Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 192-bit | Function code | |
KM.EDEA | B92E.09 | KM - Encrypted Data Encryption Algorithm | Function code | |
KM.ETDEA128 | B92E.0A | KM - Encrypted Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 128-bit | Function code | |
KM.ETDEA192 | B92E.0B | KM - Encrypted Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 192-bit | Function code | |
KM.AES128 | B92E.12 | KM - Advanced Encryption Standard 128-bit | Function code | |
KM.AES192 | B92E.13 | KM - Advanced Encryption Standard 192-bit | Function code | |
KM.AES256 | B92E.14 | KM - Advanced Encryption Standard 256-bit | Function code | |
KM.EAES128 | B92E.1A | KM - Encrypted Advanced Encryption Standard 128-bit | Function code | |
KM.EAES192 | B92E.1B | KM - Encrypted Advanced Encryption Standard 192-bit | Function code | |
KM.EAES256 | B92E.1C | KM - Encrypted Advanced Encryption Standard 256-bit | Function code | |
KM.XAES128 | B92E.32 | KM - Xts AES 128-bit | Function code | |
KM.XAES256 | B92E.34 | KM - Xts AES 256-bit | Function code | |
KM.XEAES128 | B92E.3A | KM - Xts Encrypted AES 128-bit | Function code | |
KM.XEAES256 | B92E.3C | KM - Xts Encrypted AES 256-bit | Function code | |
KMC.QUERY | B92F.00 | KMC - QUERY | Function code | |
KMC.DEA | B92F.01 | KMC - Data Encryption Algorithm | Function code | |
KMC.TDEA128 | B92F.02 | KMC - Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 128-bit | Function code | |
KMC.TDEA192 | B92F.03 | KMC - Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 192-bit | Function code | |
KMC.EDEA | B92F.09 | KMC - Encrypted Data Encryption Algorithm | Function code | |
KMC.ETDEA128 | B92F.0A | KMC - Encrypted Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 128-bit | Function code | |
KMC.ETDEA192 | B92F.0B | KMC - Encrypted Triple Data Encryption Algorithm 192-bit | Function code | |
KMC.AES128 | B92F.12 | KMC - Advanced Encryption Standard 128-bit | Function code | |
KMC.AES192 | B92F.13 | KMC - Advanced Encryption Standard 192-bit | Function code | |
KMC.AES256 | B92F.14 | KMC - Advanced Encryption Standard 256-bit | Function code | |
KMC.EAES128 | B92F.1A | KMC - Encrypted Advanced Encryption Standard 128-bit | Function code | |
KMC.EAES192 | B92F.1B | KMC - Encrypted Advanced Encryption Standard 192-bit | Function code | |
KMC.EAES256 | B92F.1C | KMC - Encrypted Advanced Encryption Standard 256-bit | Function code | |
KMC.PRNG | B92F.43 | KMC - Pseudo Random Number Generation | Function code | |
SORTL.QAF | B938.00 | SORTL - Query Available Functions | Function code | |
SORTL.SFLR | B938.01 | SORTL - Sort Fixed-Length Records | Function code | |
SORTL.SVLR | B938.02 | SORTL - Sort Variable-Length Records | Function code | |
DFLTCC.QAF | B939.00 | DFLTCC - Query Available Functions | Function code | |
DFLTCC.GDHT | B939.01 | DFLTCC - Generate Dynamic-Huffman Table | Function code | |
DFLTCC.CMPR | B939.02 | DFLTCC - CoMPRess | Function code | |
DFLTCC.XPND | B939.04 | DFLTCC - eXPaND | Function code | |
KDSA.QRY | B93A.00 | KDSA - QueRY | Function code | |
KDSA.ECV256 | B93A.01 | KDSA - ECdsa-Verify-p256 | Function code | |
KDSA.ECV384 | B93A.02 | KDSA - ECdsa-Verify-p384 | Function code | |
KDSA.ECV521 | B93A.03 | KDSA - ECdsa-Verify-p521 | Function code | |
KDSA.ECS256 | B93A.09 | KDSA - ECdsa-Sign-p256 | Function code | |
KDSA.ECS384 | B93A.0A | KDSA - ECdsa-Sign-p384 | Function code | |
KDSA.ECS521 | B93A.0B | KDSA - ECdsa-Sign-p521 | Function code | |
KDSA.EECS256 | B93A.11 | KDSA - Encrypted-ECdsa-Sign-p256 | Function code | |
KDSA.EECS384 | B93A.12 | KDSA - Encrypted-ECdsa-Sign-p384 | Function code | |
KDSA.EECS521 | B93A.13 | KDSA - Encrypted-ECdsa-Sign-p521 | Function code | |
KDSA.EDVE25519 | B93A.20 | KDSA - EDdsa-Verify-Ed25519 | Function code | |
KDSA.EDVE448 | B93A.24 | KDSA - EDdsa-Verify-Ed448 | Function code | |
KDSA.EDSE25519 | B93A.28 | KDSA - EDdsa-Sign-Ed25519 | Function code | |
KDSA.EDSE448 | B93A.2C | KDSA - EDdsa-Sign-Ed448 | Function code | |
KDSA.EEDSE25519 | B93A.30 | KDSA - Encrypted EDdsa-Sign-Ed25519 | Function code | |
KDSA.EEDSE448 | B93A.34 | KDSA - Encrypted EDdsa-Sign-Ed448 | Function code | |
NNPA.QAF | B93B.00 | NNPA - Query Available Functions | Function code | |
NNPA.ADD | B93B.10 | NNPA - ADD | Function code | |
NNPA.SUB | B93B.11 | NNPA - SUB | Function code | |
NNPA.MUL | B93B.12 | NNPA - MULtiply | Function code | |
NNPA.DIV | B93B.13 | NNPA - DIVide | Function code | |
NNPA.MIN | B93B.14 | NNPA - MINimum | Function code | |
NNPA.MAX | B93B.15 | NNPA - MAXimum | Function code | |
NNPA.LOG | B93B.20 | NNPA - natural LOGarithm | Function code | |
NNPA.EXP | B93B.21 | NNPA - EXPonential | Function code | |
NNPA.RELU | B93B.31 | NNPA - REctified Linear Unit | Function code | |
NNPA.TANH | B93B.32 | NNPA - TANgent Hyperbolic | Function code | |
NNPA.SIGMOID | B93B.33 | NNPA - SIGMOID | Function code | |
NNPA.SOFTMAX | B93B.34 | NNPA - SOFTMAX | Function code | |
NNPA.BATCHNORM | B93B.40 | NNPA - BATCHNORM | Function code | |
NNPA.MAXPOOL2D | B93B.50 | NNPA - MAXimum POOL 2Dimensions | Function code | |
NNPA.AVGPOOL2D | B93B.51 | NNPA - AVeraGe POOL 2Dimensions | Function code | |
NNPA.LSTMACT | B93B.60 | NNPA - LSTMACT | Function code | |
NNPA.GRUACT | B93B.61 | NNPA - GRUACT | Function code | |
NNPA.CONVOLUTION | B93B.70 | NNPA - CONVOLUTION | Function code | |
NNPA.MATMULOP | B93B.71 | NNPA - MATMUL-OP | Function code | |
NNPA.MATMULOPBCAST23 | B93B.72 | NNPA - MATMUL-OP-BCAST23 | Function code | |
PPNO.QRY | B93C.00 | PPNO - QueRY | Function code | |
PRNO.QRY | B93C.00 | PRNO - QueRY | Function code | |
PPNO.DRNG | B93C.03 | PPNO - Deterministic Random-Number Generation | Function code | |
PRNO.DRNG | B93C.03 | PRNO - Deterministic Random-Number Generation | Function code | |
PPNO.TRNGQRY | B93C.70 | PPNO - True Random-Number Generation QueRY | Function code | |
PRNO.TRNGQRY | B93C.70 | PRNO - True Random-Number Generation QueRY | Function code | |
PPNO.TRNG | B93C.72 | PPNO - True Random-Number Generation | Function code | |
PRNO.TRNG | B93C.72 | PRNO - True Random-Number Generation | Function code | |
KIMD.QUERY | B93E.00 | KIMD - QUERY | Function code | |
KIMD.SHA1 | B93E.01 | KIMD - Secure Hash Algorithm standard-1 | Function code | |
KIMD.SHA256 | B93E.02 | KIMD - Secure Hash Algorithm standard-256 | Function code | |
KIMD.SHA512 | B93E.03 | KIMD - Secure Hash Algorithm standard-512 | Function code | |
KIMD.SHA3224 | B93E.20 | KIMD - Secure Hash Algorithm standard 3-224 | Function code | |
KIMD.SHA3256 | B93E.21 | KIMD - Secure Hash Algorithm standard 3-256 | Function code | |
KIMD.SHA3384 | B93E.22 | KIMD - Secure Hash Algorithm standard 3-384 | Function code | |
KIMD.SHA3512 | B93E.23 | KIMD - Secure Hash Algorithm standard 3-512 | Function code | |
KIMD.SHAKE128 | B93E.24 | KIMD - Secure Hash Algorithm standard 3 with KEccak-128 | Function code | |
KIMD.SHAKE256 | B93E.25 | KIMD - Secure Hash Algorithm standard 3 with KEccak-256 | Function code | |
KIMD.GHASH | B93E.41 | KIMD - GHASH | Function code | |
KLMD.QUERY | B93F.00 | KLMD - QUERY | Function code | |
KLMD.SHA1 | B93F.01 | KLMD - Secure Hash Algorithm standard-1 | Function code | |
KLMD.SHA256 | B93F.02 | KLMD - Secure Hash Algorithm standard-256 | Function code | |
KLMD.SHA512 | B93F.03 | KLMD - Secure Hash Algorithm standard-512 | Function code | |
KLMD.SHA3224 | B93F.20 | KLMD - Secure Hash Algorithm standard 3-224 | Function code | |
KLMD.SHA3256 | B93F.21 | KLMD - Secure Hash Algorithm standard 3-256 | Function code | |
KLMD.SHA3384 | B93F.22 | KLMD - Secure Hash Algorithm standard 3-384 | Function code | |
KLMD.SHA3512 | B93F.23 | KLMD - Secure Hash Algorithm standard 3-512 | Function code | |
KLMD.SHAKE128 | B93F.24 | KLMD - Secure Hash Algorithm standard 3 with KEccak-128 | Function code | |
KLMD.SHAKE256 | B93F.25 | KLMD - Secure Hash Algorithm standard 3 with KEccak-256 | Function code | |
CGRTH | B960 | 0010 | Compare Grande Register and Trap on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRTL | B960 | 0100 | Compare Grande Register and Trap on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRTNE | B960 | 0110 | Compare Grande Register and Trap on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRTE | B960 | 1000 | Compare Grande Register and Trap on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRTNL | B960 | 1010 | Compare Grande Register and Trap on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRTNH | B960 | 1100 | Compare Grande Register and Trap on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRTH | B961 | 0010 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Trap on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRTL | B961 | 0100 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Trap on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRTNE | B961 | 0110 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Trap on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRTE | B961 | 1000 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Trap on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRTNL | B961 | 1010 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Trap on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRTNH | B961 | 1100 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Trap on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
NOTGR | B966 | -- | NOT Grande Register | Extended Mnemonic |
CRTH | B972 | 0010 | Compare Register and Trap on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CRTL | B972 | 0100 | Compare Register and Trap on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CRTNE | B972 | 0110 | Compare Register and Trap on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CRTE | B972 | 1000 | Compare Register and Trap on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CRTNL | B972 | 1010 | Compare Register and Trap on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CRTNH | B972 | 1100 | Compare Register and Trap on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRTH | B973 | 0010 | Compare Logical Register and Trap on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRTL | B973 | 0100 | Compare Logical Register and Trap on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRTNE | B973 | 0110 | Compare Logical Register and Trap on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRTE | B973 | 1000 | Compare Logical Register and Trap on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRTNL | B973 | 1010 | Compare Logical Register and Trap on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRTNH | B973 | 1100 | Compare Logical Register and Trap on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
NOTR | B976 | -- | NOT Register | Extended Mnemonic |
PTF.REQHP | B9A2.00 | PTF - REQuest Horizontal Polarization | Function code | |
PTF.REQVP | B9A2.01 | PTF - REQuest Vertical Polarization | Function code | |
PTF.CHKTCHGS | B9A2.02 | PTF - CHecK Topology CHanGe Status | Function code | |
SELFHRO | B9C0 | 0001 | SELect Fullword High Register on Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRH | B9C0 | 0010 | SELect Fullword High Register on High | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRP | B9C0 | 0010 | SELect Fullword High Register on Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRL | B9C0 | 0100 | SELect Fullword High Register on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRM | B9C0 | 0100 | SELect Fullword High Register on Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRNE | B9C0 | 0111 | SELect Fullword High Register on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRNZ | B9C0 | 0111 | SELect Fullword High Register on Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRE | B9C0 | 1000 | SELect Fullword High Register on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRZ | B9C0 | 1000 | SELect Fullword High Register on Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRNL | B9C0 | 1011 | SELect Fullword High Register on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRNM | B9C0 | 1011 | SELect Fullword High Register on Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRNH | B9C0 | 1101 | SELect Fullword High Register on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRNP | B9C0 | 1101 | SELect Fullword High Register on Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELFHRNO | B9C0 | 1110 | SELect Fullword High Register on Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRO | B9E0 | 0001 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRH | B9E0 | 0010 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRP | B9E0 | 0010 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRL | B9E0 | 0100 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRM | B9E0 | 0100 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRNE | B9E0 | 0111 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRNZ | B9E0 | 0111 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRE | B9E0 | 1000 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRZ | B9E0 | 1000 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRNL | B9E0 | 1011 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRNM | B9E0 | 1011 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRNH | B9E0 | 1101 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRNP | B9E0 | 1101 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHRNO | B9E0 | 1110 | Load On Condition Fullword High Register if Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRO | B9E2 | 0001 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRH | B9E2 | 0010 | Load On Condition Grande Register if High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRP | B9E2 | 0010 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRL | B9E2 | 0100 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRM | B9E2 | 0100 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRNE | B9E2 | 0111 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRNZ | B9E2 | 0111 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRE | B9E2 | 1000 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRZ | B9E2 | 1000 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRNL | B9E2 | 1011 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRNM | B9E2 | 1011 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRNH | B9E2 | 1101 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRNP | B9E2 | 1101 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGRNO | B9E2 | 1110 | Load On Condition Grande Register if Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRO | B9E3 | 0001 | SELect Grande Register on Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRH | B9E3 | 0010 | SELect Grande Register on High | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRP | B9E3 | 0010 | SELect Grande Register on Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRL | B9E3 | 0100 | SELect Grande Register on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRM | B9E3 | 0100 | SELect Grande Register on Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRNE | B9E3 | 0111 | SELect Grande Register on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRNZ | B9E3 | 0111 | SELect Grande Register on Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRE | B9E3 | 1000 | SELect Grande Register on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRZ | B9E3 | 1000 | SELect Grande Register on Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRNL | B9E3 | 1011 | SELect Grande Register on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRNM | B9E3 | 1011 | SELect Grande Register on Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRNH | B9E3 | 1101 | SELect Grande Register on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRNP | B9E3 | 1101 | SELect Grande Register on Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELGRNO | B9E3 | 1110 | SELect Grande Register on Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRO | B9F0 | 0001 | SELect Register on Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRH | B9F0 | 0010 | SELect Register on High | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRP | B9F0 | 0010 | SELect Register on Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRL | B9F0 | 0100 | SELect Register on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRM | B9F0 | 0100 | SELect Register on Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRNE | B9F0 | 0111 | SELect Register on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRNZ | B9F0 | 0111 | SELect Register on Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRE | B9F0 | 1000 | SELect Register on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRZ | B9F0 | 1000 | SELect Register on Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRNL | B9F0 | 1011 | SELect Register on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRNM | B9F0 | 1011 | SELect Register on Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRNH | B9F0 | 1101 | SELect Register on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRNP | B9F0 | 1101 | SELect Register on Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
SELRNO | B9F0 | 1110 | SELect Register on Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRO | B9F2 | 0001 | Load On Condition Register if Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRH | B9F2 | 0010 | Load On Condition Register if High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRP | B9F2 | 0010 | Load On Condition Register if Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRL | B9F2 | 0100 | Load On Condition Register if Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRM | B9F2 | 0100 | Load On Condition Register if Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRNE | B9F2 | 0111 | Load On Condition Register if Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRNZ | B9F2 | 0111 | Load On Condition Register if Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRE | B9F2 | 1000 | Load On Condition Register if Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRZ | B9F2 | 1000 | Load On Condition Register if Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRNL | B9F2 | 1011 | Load On Condition Register if Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRNM | B9F2 | 1011 | Load On Condition Register if Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRNH | B9F2 | 1101 | Load On Condition Register if Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRNP | B9F2 | 1101 | Load On Condition Register if Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCRNO | B9F2 | 1110 | Load On Condition Register if Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
JLNOP | C04 | 0000 | Jump Long No-OPeration | Extended Mnemonic |
BROL | C04 | 0001 | Branch Relative on Ones / Overflow Long | Extended Mnemonic |
JLO | C04 | 0001 | Jump Long on Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
BRHL | C04 | 0010 | Branch Relative on High Long | Extended Mnemonic |
BRPL | C04 | 0010 | Branch Relative on Plus Long | Extended Mnemonic |
JLH | C04 | 0010 | Jump Long on High | Extended Mnemonic |
JLP | C04 | 0010 | Jump Long on Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
BRLL | C04 | 0100 | Branch Relative on Low Long | Extended Mnemonic |
BRML | C04 | 0100 | Branch Relative on Mixed / Minus Long | Extended Mnemonic |
JLL | C04 | 0100 | Jump Long on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
JLM | C04 | 0100 | Jump Long on Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNEL | C04 | 0111 | Branch Relative on Not Equal Long | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNZL | C04 | 0111 | Branch Relative on Not Zero Long | Extended Mnemonic |
JLNE | C04 | 0111 | Jump Long on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
JLNZ | C04 | 0111 | Jump Long on Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
BREL | C04 | 1000 | Branch Relative on Equal Long | Extended Mnemonic |
BRZL | C04 | 1000 | Branch Relative on Zero Long | Extended Mnemonic |
JLE | C04 | 1000 | Jump Long on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
JLZ | C04 | 1000 | Jump Long on Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNLL | C04 | 1011 | Branch Relative on Not Low Long | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNML | C04 | 1011 | Branch Relative on Not Mixed / Minus Long | Extended Mnemonic |
JLNL | C04 | 1011 | Jump Long on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
JLNM | C04 | 1011 | Jump Long on Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNHL | C04 | 1101 | Branch Relative on Not High Long | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNPL | C04 | 1101 | Branch Relative on Not Plus Long | Extended Mnemonic |
JLNH | C04 | 1101 | Jump Long on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
JLNP | C04 | 1101 | Jump Long on Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
BRNOL | C04 | 1110 | Branch Relative on Not Ones / Overflow Long | Extended Mnemonic |
JLNO | C04 | 1110 | Jump Long on Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
BRUL | C04 | 1111 | Branch Relative Unconditional Long | Extended Mnemonic |
JLU | C04 | 1111 | Jump Long Unconditional | Extended Mnemonic |
BIO | E347 | 0001 | Branch Indirect on Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
BIH | E347 | 0010 | Branch Indirect on High | Extended Mnemonic |
BIP | E347 | 0010 | Branch Indirect on Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
BIL | E347 | 0100 | Branch Indirect on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
BIM | E347 | 0100 | Branch Indirect on Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
BINE | E347 | 0111 | Branch Indirect on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
BINZ | E347 | 0111 | Branch Indirect on Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
BIE | E347 | 1000 | Branch Indirect on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
BIZ | E347 | 1000 | Branch Indirect on Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
BINL | E347 | 1011 | Branch Indirect on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
BINM | E347 | 1011 | Branch Indirect on Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
BINH | E347 | 1101 | Branch Indirect on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
BINP | E347 | 1101 | Branch Indirect on Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
BINO | E347 | 1110 | Branch Indirect on Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
BI | E347 | 1111 | Branch Indirect | Extended Mnemonic |
VLLEBRZH | E604 | 0001 | Vector Load Logical Element Byte Reversed and Zero Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLLEBRZF | E604 | 0010 | Vector Load Logical Element Byte Reversed and Zero Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
LDRV | E604 | 0011 | Load Double ReVersed | Extended Mnemonic |
VLLEBRZG | E604 | 0011 | Vector Load Logical Element Byte Reversed and Zero Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
LERV | E604 | 0110 | Load lEftmost word ReVersed | Extended Mnemonic |
VLLEBRZE | E604 | 0110 | Vector Load Logical Element Byte Reversed and Zero lEftmost word | Extended Mnemonic |
VLBRREPH | E605 | 0001 | Vector Load Byte Reversed element and REPlicate Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLBRREPF | E605 | 0010 | Vector Load Byte Reversed element and REPlicate Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLBRREPG | E605 | 0011 | Vector Load Byte Reversed element and REPlicate Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VLBRH | E606 | 0001 | Vector Load Byte Reversed elements Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLBRF | E606 | 0010 | Vector Load Byte Reversed elements Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLBRG | E606 | 0011 | Vector Load Byte Reversed elements Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VLBRQ | E606 | 0100 | Vector Load Byte Reversed elements Quadword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLERH | E607 | 0001 | Vector Load Elements Reversed Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLERF | E607 | 0010 | Vector Load Elements Reversed Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLERG | E607 | 0011 | Vector Load Elements Reversed Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
STDRV | E60A | 0000 | STore Double hfp byte ReVersed | Extended Mnemonic |
STERV | E60B | 0000 | STore Exponential hfp byte ReVersed | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTBRH | E60E | 0001 | Vector STore Byte Reversed elements Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTBRF | E60E | 0010 | Vector STore Byte Reversed elements Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTBRG | E60E | 0011 | Vector STore Byte Reversed elements Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTBRQ | E60E | 0100 | Vector STore Byte Reversed elements Quadword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTERH | E60F | 0001 | Vector STore Elements Reversed Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTERF | E60F | 0010 | Vector STore Elements Reversed Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTERG | E60F | 0011 | Vector STore Elements Reversed Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VSCHSP | E674 | 0010 | Vector Scale and Convert Hex Short floating point from Packed decimal | Extended Mnemonic |
VSCHDP | E674 | 0011 | Vector Scale and Convert Hex Double floating point from Packed decimal | Extended Mnemonic |
VSCHXP | E674 | 0100 | Vector Scale and Convert Hex eXtended floating point from Packed decimal | Extended Mnemonic |
VLLEZB | E704 | 0000 | Vector Load Logical Element and Zero Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VLLEZH | E704 | 0001 | Vector Load Logical Element and Zero Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLLEZF | E704 | 0010 | Vector Load Logical Element and Zero Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLLEZG | E704 | 0011 | Vector Load Logical Element and Zero Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VLLEZLF | E704 | 0110 | Vector Load Logical Element and Zero Left-aligned Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLREPB | E705 | 0000 | Vector Load and REPlicate Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VLREPH | E705 | 0001 | Vector Load and REPlicate Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLREPF | E705 | 0010 | Vector Load and REPlicate Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLREPG | E705 | 0011 | Vector Load and REPlicate Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VLGVB | E721 | 0000 | Vector Load Gpr from Vector register element Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VLGVH | E721 | 0001 | Vector Load Gpr from Vector register element Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLGVF | E721 | 0010 | Vector Load Gpr from Vector register element Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLGVG | E721 | 0011 | Vector Load Gpr from Vector register element Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VLVGB | E722 | 0000 | Vector Load Vector element from Gpr Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VLVGH | E722 | 0001 | Vector Load Vector element from Gpr Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLVGF | E722 | 0010 | Vector Load Vector element from Gpr Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLVGG | E722 | 0011 | Vector Load Vector element from Gpr Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VESLB | E730 | 0000 | Vector Element Shift Left Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VESLH | E730 | 0001 | Vector Element Shift Left Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESLF | E730 | 0010 | Vector Element Shift Left Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESLG | E730 | 0011 | Vector Element Shift Left Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VERLLB | E733 | 0000 | Vector Element Rotate Left Logical Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VERLLH | E733 | 0001 | Vector Element Rotate Left Logical Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VERLLF | E733 | 0010 | Vector Element Rotate Left Logical Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VERLLG | E733 | 0011 | Vector Element Rotate Left Logical Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRLB | E738 | 0000 | Vector Element Shift Right Logical Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRLH | E738 | 0001 | Vector Element Shift Right Logical Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRLF | E738 | 0010 | Vector Element Shift Right Logical Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRLG | E738 | 0011 | Vector Element Shift Right Logical Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRAB | E73A | 0000 | Vector Element Shift Right Arithmetic Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRAH | E73A | 0001 | Vector Element Shift Right Arithmetic Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRAF | E73A | 0010 | Vector Element Shift Right Arithmetic Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRAG | E73A | 0011 | Vector Element Shift Right Arithmetic Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VONE | E744 | -- | Vector set to all ONEs | Extended Mnemonic |
VZERO | E744 | -- | Vector set to all ZEROes | Extended Mnemonic |
VREPIB | E745 | 0000 | Vector REPlicate Immediate Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VREPIH | E745 | 0001 | Vector REPlicate Immediate Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VREPIF | E745 | 0010 | Vector REPlicate Immediate Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VREPIG | E745 | 0011 | Vector REPlicate Immediate Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VGMB | E746 | 0000 | Vector Generate Mask Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VGMH | E746 | 0001 | Vector Generate Mask Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VGMF | E746 | 0010 | Vector Generate Mask Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VGMG | E746 | 0011 | Vector Generate Mask Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VFTCISB | E74A | 0010.0000 | Vector Floating point Test data Class Immediate Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFTCISB | E74A | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Test data Class Immediate Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFTCIDB | E74A | 0011.0000 | Vector Floating point Test data Class Immediate Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFTCIDB | E74A | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Test dataClass Immediate Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFTCIXB | E74A | 0100.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Test data Class Immediate eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VREPB | E74D | 0000 | Vector REPlicate Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VREPH | E74D | 0001 | Vector REPlicate Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VREPF | E74D | 0010 | Vector REPlicate Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VREPG | E74D | 0011 | Vector REPlicate Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VPOPCTB | E750 | 0000 | Vector POPulation CounT Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VPOPCTH | E750 | 0001 | Vector POPulation CounT Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VPOPCTF | E750 | 0010 | Vector POPulation CounT Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VPOPCTG | E750 | 0011 | Vector POPulation CounT Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VCTZB | E752 | 0000 | Vector Count Trailing Zeros Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VCTZH | E752 | 0001 | Vector Count Trailing Zeros Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VCTZF | E752 | 0010 | Vector Count Trailing Zeros Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VCTZG | E752 | 0011 | Vector Count Trailing Zeros Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VCLZB | E753 | 0000 | Vector Count Leading Zeros Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VCLZH | E753 | 0001 | Vector Count Leading Zeros Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VCLZF | E753 | 0010 | Vector Count Leading Zeros Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VCLZG | E753 | 0011 | Vector Count Leading Zeros Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VISTRB | E75C | 0000 | Vector Isolate STRing Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VISTRH | E75C | 0001 | Vector Isolate STRing Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VISTRBS | E75C | 0000.0001 | Vector Isolate STRing Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VISTRF | E75C | 0010 | Vector Isolate STRing Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VISTRHS | E75C | 0001.0001 | Vector Isolate STRing Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VISTRFS | E75C | 0010.0001 | Vector Isolate STRing Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VSEGB | E75F | 0000 | Vector Sign Extend to Grande from Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VSEGH | E75F | 0001 | Vector Sign Extend to Grande from Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSEGF | E75F | 0010 | Vector Sign Extend to Grande from Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMRLB | E760 | 0000 | Vector MeRge Low Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMRLH | E760 | 0001 | Vector MeRge Low Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMRLF | E760 | 0010 | Vector MeRge Low Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMRLG | E760 | 0011 | Vector MeRge Low Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VMRHB | E761 | 0000 | Vector MeRge High Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMRHH | E761 | 0001 | Vector MeRge High Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMRHF | E761 | 0010 | Vector MeRge High Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMRHG | E761 | 0011 | Vector MeRge High Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VSUMB | E764 | 0000 | Vector SUM across word per Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VSUMH | E764 | 0001 | Vector SUM across word per Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSUMGH | E765 | 0001 | Vector SUM across Grande per Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSUMGF | E765 | 0010 | Vector SUM across Grande per Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSUMQF | E767 | 0010 | Vector SUM across Quadword per Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSUMQG | E767 | 0011 | Vector SUM across Quadword per Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VNOT | E76B | -- | Vector NOT | Extended Mnemonic |
VESLVB | E770 | 0000 | Vector Element Shift Left Vector-specified Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VESLVH | E770 | 0001 | Vector Element Shift Left Vector-specified Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESLVF | E770 | 0010 | Vector Element Shift Left Vector-specified Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESLVG | E770 | 0011 | Vector Element Shift Left Vector-specified Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VERIMB | E772 | 0000 | Vector Element Rotate and Insert under Mask Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VERIMH | E772 | 0001 | Vector Element Rotate and Insert under Mask Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VERIMF | E772 | 0010 | Vector Element Rotate and Insert under Mask Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VERIMG | E772 | 0011 | Vector Element Rotate and Insert under Mask Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VERLLVB | E773 | 0000 | Vector Element Rotate Left Logical Vector-specified Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VERLLVH | E773 | 0001 | Vector Element Rotate Left Logical Vector-specified Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VERLLVF | E773 | 0010 | Vector Element Rotate Left Logical Vector-specified Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VERLLVG | E773 | 0011 | Vector Element Rotate Left Logical Vector-specified Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRLVB | E778 | 0000 | Vector Element Shift Right Logical Vector-specified Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRLVH | E778 | 0001 | Vector Element Shift Right Logical Vector-specified Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRLVF | E778 | 0010 | Vector Element Shift Right Logical Vector-specified Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRLVG | E778 | 0011 | Vector Element Shift Right Logical Vector-specified Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRAVB | E77A | 0000 | Vector Element Shift Right Arithmetic Vector-specified Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRAVH | E77A | 0001 | Vector Element Shift Right Arithmetic Vector-specified Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRAVF | E77A | 0010 | Vector Element Shift Right Arithmetic Vector-specified Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VESRAVG | E77A | 0011 | Vector Element Shift Right Arithmetic Vector-specified Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEEB | E780 | 0000 | Vector Find Element Equal Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEEH | E780 | 0001 | Vector Find Element Equal Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEEBS | E780 | 0000.0001 | Vector Find Element Equal Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEEF | E780 | 0010 | Vector Find Element Equal Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEEZB | E780 | 0000.0010 | Vector Find Element Equal or Zero Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEEZBS | E780 | 0000.0011 | Vector Find Element Equal or Zero Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEEHS | E780 | 0001.0001 | Vector Find Element Equal Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEEZH | E780 | 0001.0010 | Vector Find Element Equal or Zero Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEEZHS | E780 | 0001.0011 | Vector Find Element Equal or Zero Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEEFS | E780 | 0010.0001 | Vector Find Element Equal Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEEZF | E780 | 0010.0010 | Vector Find Element Equal or Zero Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFEEZFS | E780 | 0010.0011 | Vector Find Element Equal or Zero Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENEB | E781 | 0000 | Vector Find Element Not Equal Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENEH | E781 | 0001 | Vector Find Element Not Equal Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENEBS | E781 | 0000.0001 | Vector Find Element Not Equal Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENEF | E781 | 0010 | Vector Find Element Not Equal Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENEZB | E781 | 0000.0010 | Vector Find Element Not Equal or Zero Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENEZBS | E781 | 0000.0011 | Vector Find Element Not Equal or Zero Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENEHS | E781 | 0001.0001 | Vector Find Element Not Equal Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENEZH | E781 | 0001.0010 | Vector Find Element Not Equal or Zero Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENEZHS | E781 | 0001.0011 | Vector Find Element Not Equal or Zero Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENEFS | E781 | 0010.0001 | Vector Find Element Not Equal Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENEZF | E781 | 0010.0010 | Vector Find Element Not Equal or Zero Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFENEZFS | E781 | 0010.0011 | Vector Find Element Not Equal or Zero Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFAEB | E782 | 0000 | Vector Find Any element Equal Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VFAEH | E782 | 0001 | Vector Find Any element Equal Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFAEBS | E782 | 0000.0001 | Vector Find Any element Equal Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFAEF | E782 | 0010 | Vector Find Any element Equal Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFAEZB | E782 | 0000.0010 | Vector Find Any element Equal or Zero Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VFAEZBS | E782 | 0000.0011 | Vector Find Any element Equal or Zero Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFAEHS | E782 | 0001.0001 | Vector Find Any element Equal Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFAEZH | E782 | 0001.0010 | Vector Find Any element Equal or Zero Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFAEZHS | E782 | 0001.0011 | Vector Find Any element Equal or Zero Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFAEFS | E782 | 0010.0001 | Vector Find Any element Equal Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFAEZF | E782 | 0010.0010 | Vector Find Any element Equal or Zero Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFAEZFS | E782 | 0010.0011 | Vector Find Any element Equal or Zero Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRCB | E78A | 0000 | Vector STRing range Compare Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRCH | E78A | 0001 | Vector STRing range Compare Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRCBS | E78A | 0000.0001 | Vector STRing range Compare Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRCF | E78A | 0010 | Vector STRing range Compare Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRCZB | E78A | 0000.0010 | Vector STRing range Compare including Zero by Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRCZBS | E78A | 0000.0011 | Vector STRing range Compare including Zero by Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRCHS | E78A | 0001.0001 | Vector STRing range Compare Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRCZH | E78A | 0001.0010 | Vector STRing range Compare including Zero by Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRCZHS | E78A | 0001.0011 | Vector STRing range Compare including Zero by Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRCFS | E78A | 0010.0001 | Vector STRing range Compare Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRCZF | E78A | 0010.0010 | Vector STRing range Compare including Zero by Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRCZFS | E78A | 0010.0011 | Vector STRing range Compare including Zero by Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRSB | E78B | 0000 | Vector STRing Search Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRSH | E78B | 0001 | Vector STRing Search Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRSF | E78B | 0010 | Vector STRing Search Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRSZB | E78B | 0000.0010 | Vector STRing Search Zero-delimited Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRSZH | E78B | 0001.0010 | Vector STRing Search Zero-delimited Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSTRSZF | E78B | 0010.0010 | Vector STRing Search Zero-delimited Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VFMSSB | E78E | 0000.0010 | Vector Floating point Multiply and Subtract Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFMSDB | E78E | 0000.0011 | Vector Floating point Multiply and Subtract Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMSSB | E78E | 1000.0010 | Would-be vector Floating point Multiply and Subtract Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMSDB | E78E | 1000.0011 | Would-be vector Floating point Multiply and Subtract Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMSXB | E78E | 1000.0100 | Would-be vector Floating point Multiply and Subtract eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFMASB | E78F | 0000.0010 | Vector Floating point Multiply and Add Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFMADB | E78F | 0000.0011 | Vector Floating point Multiply and Add Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMASB | E78F | 1000.0010 | Would-be vector Floating point Multiply and Add Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMADB | E78F | 1000.0011 | Would-be vector Floating point Multiply and Add Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMAXB | E78F | 1000.0100 | Would-be vector Floating point Multiply and Add eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKH | E794 | 0001 | Vector PacK Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKF | E794 | 0010 | Vector PacK Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKG | E794 | 0011 | Vector PacK Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKLSH | E795 | 0001.0000 | Vector PacK Logical Saturate Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKLSHS | E795 | 0001.0001 | Vector PacK Logical Saturate Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKLSF | E795 | 0010.0000 | Vector PacK Logical Saturate Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKLSFS | E795 | 0010.0001 | Vector PacK Logical Saturate Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKLSG | E795 | 0011.0000 | Vector PacK Logical Saturate Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKLSGS | E795 | 0011.0001 | Vector PacK Logical Saturate Grande and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKSH | E797 | 0001.0000 | Vector PacK Saturate Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKSHS | E797 | 0001.0001 | Vector PacK Saturate Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKSF | E797 | 0010.0000 | Vector PacK Saturate Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKSFS | E797 | 0010.0001 | Vector PacK Saturate Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKSG | E797 | 0011.0000 | Vector PacK Saturate Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VPKSGS | E797 | 0011.0001 | Vector PacK Saturate Grande and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFNMSSB | E79E | 0000.0010 | Vector Floating point Negative Multiply and Subtract Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFNMSDB | E79E | 0000.0011 | Vector Floating point Negative Multiply and Subtract Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFNMSSB | E79E | 1000.0010 | Would-be vector Floating point Negative Multiply and Subtract Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFNMSDB | E79E | 1000.0011 | Would-be vector Floating point Negative Multiply and Subtract Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFNMSXB | E79E | 1000.0100 | Would-be vector Floating point Negative Multiply and Subtract eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFNMASB | E79F | 0000.0010 | Vector Floating point Negative Multiply and Add Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFNMADB | E79F | 0000.0011 | Vector Floating point Negative Multiply and Add Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFNMASB | E79F | 1000.0010 | Would-be vector Floating point Negative Multiply and Add Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFNMADB | E79F | 1000.0011 | Would-be vector Floating point Negative Multiply and Add Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFNMAXB | E79F | 1000.0100 | Would-be vector Floating point Negative Multiply and Add eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VMLHB | E7A1 | 0000 | Vector Multiply Logical High Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMLHH | E7A1 | 0001 | Vector Multiply Logical High Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMLHF | E7A1 | 0010 | Vector Multiply Logical High Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMLB | E7A2 | 0000 | Vector Multiply Low Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMLHW | E7A2 | 0001 | Vector Multiply Low HlafWord | Extended Mnemonic |
VMLF | E7A2 | 0010 | Vector Multiply Low Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMHB | E7A3 | 0000 | Vector Multiply High Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMHH | E7A3 | 0001 | Vector Multiply High Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMHF | E7A3 | 0010 | Vector Multiply High Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMLEB | E7A4 | 0000 | Vector Multiply Logical Even Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMLEH | E7A4 | 0001 | Vector Multiply Logical Even Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMLEF | E7A4 | 0010 | Vector Multiply Logical Even Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMLOB | E7A5 | 0000 | Vector Multiply Logical Odd Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMLOH | E7A5 | 0001 | Vector Multiply Logical Odd Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMLOF | E7A5 | 0010 | Vector Multiply Logical Odd Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMEB | E7A6 | 0000 | Vector Multipy Even Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMEH | E7A6 | 0001 | Vector Multipy Even Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMEF | E7A6 | 0010 | Vector Multipy Even Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMOB | E7A7 | 0000 | Vector Multiply Odd Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMOH | E7A7 | 0001 | Vector Multiply Odd Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMOF | E7A7 | 0010 | Vector Multiply Odd Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMALHB | E7A9 | 0000 | Vector Multiply and Add Logical High Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMALHH | E7A9 | 0001 | Vector Multiply and Add Logical High Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMALHF | E7A9 | 0010 | Vector Multiply and Add Logical High Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMALB | E7AA | 0000 | Vector Multiply and Add Low Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMALHW | E7AA | 0001 | Vector Multiply and Add Low HalfWord | Extended Mnemonic |
VMALF | E7AA | 0010 | Vector Multiply and Add Low Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMAHB | E7AB | 0000 | Vector Multiply and Add High Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMAHH | E7AB | 0001 | Vector Multiply and Add High Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMAHF | E7AB | 0010 | Vector Multiply and Add High Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMALEB | E7AC | 0000 | Vector Multiply and Add Logical Even Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMALEH | E7AC | 0001 | Vector Multiply and Add Logical Even Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMALEF | E7AC | 0010 | Vector Multiply and Add Logical Even Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMALOB | E7AD | 0000 | Vector Multiply and Add Logical Odd Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMALOH | E7AD | 0001 | Vector Multiply and Add Logical Odd Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMALOF | E7AD | 0010 | Vector Multiply and Add Logical Odd Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMAEB | E7AE | 0000 | Vector Multiply and Add Even Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMAEH | E7AE | 0001 | Vector Multiply and Add Even Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMAEF | E7AE | 0010 | Vector Multiply and Add Even Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMAOB | E7AF | 0000 | Vector Multiply and Add Odd Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMAOH | E7AF | 0001 | Vector Multiply and Add Odd Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMAOF | E7AF | 0010 | Vector Multiply and Add Odd Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VGFMB | E7B4 | 0000 | Vector Galois Field Multiply sum Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VGFMH | E7B4 | 0001 | Vector Galois Field Multiply sum Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VGFMF | E7B4 | 0010 | Vector Galois Field Multiply sum Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VGFMG | E7B4 | 0011 | Vector Galois Field Multiply sum Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VMSLG | E7B8 | 0011 | Vector Multiply Sum Logical Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VACCCQ | E7B9 | 0100 | Vector Add with Carry Compute Carry Quadword | Extended Mnemonic |
VACQ | E7BB | 0100 | Vector Add with Carry Quadword | Extended Mnemonic |
VGFMAB | E7BC | 0000 | Vector Galois Field Multiply sum and Accumulate Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VGFMAH | E7BC | 0001 | Vector Galois Field Multiply sum and Accumulate Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VGFMAF | E7BC | 0010 | Vector Galois Field Multiply sum and Accumulate Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VGFMAG | E7BC | 0011 | Vector Galois Field Multiply sum and Accumulate Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VSBCBIQ | E7BD | 0100 | Vector Subtract with Borrow Compute Borrow Indication Quadword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSBIQ | E7BF | 0100 | Vector Subtract with Borrow Indication Quadword | Extended Mnemonic |
VCLFEB | E7C0 | 0010.0000 | Vector Convert Logical Fullword from Exponential Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WCLFEB | E7C0 | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Convert Logical Fullword from Exponential Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VCLGDB | E7C0 | 0011.0000 | Vector Convert Logical Grande from Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WCLGDB | E7C0 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Convert Logical Grande from Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VCELFB | E7C1 | 0010.0000 | Vector Convert Exponential bfp from Logical Fullword to Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WCELFB | E7C1 | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Convert Exponential bfp from Logical Fullword to Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VCDLGB | E7C1 | 0011.0000 | Vector Convert Double bfp from Logical Grande to Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WCDLGB | E7C1 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Convert Double bfp from Logical Grande to Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VCFEB | E7C2 | 0010.0000 | Vector Convert Fullword from Exponential Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WCFEB | E7C2 | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Convert Fullword from Exponential Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VCGDB | E7C2 | 0011.0000 | Vector Convert Grande from Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WCGDB | E7C2 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Convert Grande from Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VCEFB | E7C3 | 0010.0000 | Vector Convert Exponential bfp from Fullword to Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WCEFB | E7C3 | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Convert Exponential bfp from Fullword to Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VCDGB | E7C3 | 0011.0000 | Vector Convert Double bfp from Grande to Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WCDGB | E7C3 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Convert Double bfp from Grande to Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFLLS | E7C4 | 0010.0000 | Vector Floating point Load Lengthened Single bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VLDEB | E7C4 | 0010.0000 | Vector Load lengthened Double from Exponential Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLLS | E7C4 | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Lengthened Single bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WLDEB | E7C4 | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Load lengthened Double from Exponential Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLLD | E7C4 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Lengthened Double bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFLRD | E7C5 | 0011.0000 | Vector Floating point Load Rounded Double bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VLEDB | E7C5 | 0011.0000 | Vector floating point Load rounded Exponential from Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLRD | E7C5 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Rounded Double bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WLEDB | E7C5 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector floating point Load rounded Exponential from Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLRX | E7C5 | 0100.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Rounded eXtended bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFISB | E7C7 | 0010.0000 | Vector load Floating point Integer Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFISB | E7C7 | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector load Floating point Integer Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFIDB | E7C7 | 0011.0000 | Vector load Floating point Integer Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFIDB | E7C7 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector load Floating point Integer Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFIXB | E7C7 | 0100.1000 | Would-be vector load Floating point Integer eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKSB | E7CA | 0010.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal scalar Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKDB | E7CA | 0011.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal scalar Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKXB | E7CA | 0100.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal scalar eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCSB | E7CB | 0010.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare scalar Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCDB | E7CB | 0011.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare scalar Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCXB | E7CB | 0100.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare scalar eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFPSOSB | E7CC | 0010.0000 | Vector Floating point Perform Sign Operation Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFPSOSB | E7CC | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Perform Sign Operation Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFPSODB | E7CC | 0011.0000 | Vector Floating point Perform Sign Operation Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFPSODB | E7CC | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Perform Sign Operation Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFPSOXB | E7CC | 0100.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Perform Sign Operation eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFLCSB | E7CC | 0010.0000.0000 | Vector Floating point Load Complement Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFLNSB | E7CC | 0010.0000.0001 | Vector Floating point Load Negative Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFLPSB | E7CC | 0010.0000.0010 | Vector Floating point Load Positive Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLCSB | E7CC | 0010.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Complement Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLNSB | E7CC | 0010.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Negative Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLPSB | E7CC | 0010.1000.0010 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Positive Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFLCDB | E7CC | 0011.0000.0000 | Vector Floating point Load Complement Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFLNDB | E7CC | 0011.0000.0001 | Vector Floating point Load Negative Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFLPDB | E7CC | 0011.0000.0010 | Vector Floating point Load Positive Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLCDB | E7CC | 0011.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Complement Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLNDB | E7CC | 0011.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Negative Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLPDB | E7CC | 0011.1000.0010 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Positive Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLCXB | E7CC | 0100.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Complement eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLNXB | E7CC | 0100.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Negative eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFLPXB | E7CC | 0100.1000.0010 | Would-be vector Floating point Load Positive eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFSQSB | E7CE | 0010.0000 | Vector Floating point SQuare root Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFSQSB | E7CE | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point SQuare root Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFSQDB | E7CE | 0011.0000 | Vector Floating point SQuare root Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFSQDB | E7CE | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point SQuare root Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFSQXB | E7CE | 0100.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point SQuare root eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPLLB | E7D4 | 0000 | Vector UnPack Logical Low Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPLLH | E7D4 | 0001 | Vector UnPack Logical Low Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPLLF | E7D4 | 0010 | Vector UnPack Logical Low Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPLHB | E7D5 | 0000 | Vector UnPack Logical High Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPLHH | E7D5 | 0001 | Vector UnPack Logical High Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPLHF | E7D5 | 0010 | Vector UnPack Logical High Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPLB | E7D6 | 0000 | Vector UnPack Low Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPLHW | E7D6 | 0001 | Vector UnPack Low HalfWord | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPLF | E7D6 | 0010 | Vector UnPack Low Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPHB | E7D7 | 0000 | Vector UnPack High Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPHH | E7D7 | 0001 | Vector UnPack High Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VUPHF | E7D7 | 0010 | Vector UnPack High Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VECLB | E7D9 | 0000 | Vector Element Compare Logical Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VECLH | E7D9 | 0001 | Vector Element Compare Logical Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VECLF | E7D9 | 0010 | Vector Element Compare Logical Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VECLG | E7D9 | 0011 | Vector Element Compare Logical Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VECB | E7DB | 0000 | Vector Element Compare Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VECH | E7DB | 0001 | Vector Element Compare Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VECF | E7DB | 0010 | Vector Element Compare Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VECG | E7DB | 0011 | Vector Element Compare Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VLCB | E7DE | 0000 | Vector Load Complement Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VLCH | E7DE | 0001 | Vector Load Complement Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLCF | E7DE | 0010 | Vector Load Complement Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLCG | E7DE | 0011 | Vector Load Complement Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VLPB | E7DF | 0000 | Vector Load Positive Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VLPH | E7DF | 0001 | Vector Load Positive Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLPF | E7DF | 0010 | Vector Load Positive Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VLPG | E7DF | 0011 | Vector Load Positive Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VFSSB | E7E2 | 0010.0000 | Vector Floating point Subtract Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFSSB | E7E2 | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Subtract Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFSDB | E7E2 | 0011.0000 | Vector Floating point Subtract Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFSDB | E7E2 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Subtract Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFSXB | E7E2 | 0100.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Subtract eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFASB | E7E3 | 0010.0000 | Vector Floating point Add Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFASB | E7E3 | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Add Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFADB | E7E3 | 0011.0000 | Vector Floating point Add Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFADB | E7E3 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Add Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFAXB | E7E3 | 0100.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Add eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFDSB | E7E5 | 0010.0000 | Vector Floating point Divide Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFDSB | E7E5 | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Divide Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFDDB | E7E5 | 0011.0000 | Vector Floating point Divide Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFDDB | E7E5 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Divide Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFDXB | E7E5 | 0100.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Divide eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFMSB | E7E7 | 0010.0000 | Vector Floating point Multiply Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMSB | E7E7 | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Multiply Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFMDB | E7E7 | 0011.0000 | Vector Floating point Multiply Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMDB | E7E7 | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Multiply Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMXB | E7E7 | 0100.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point Multiply eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCESB | E7E8 | 0010.0000.0000 | Vector Floating point Compare Equal Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCESBS | E7E8 | 0010.0000.0001 | Vector Floating point Compare Equal Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKESB | E7E8 | 0010.0100.0000 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal Equal Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKESBS | E7E8 | 0010.0100.0001 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal Equal Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCESB | E7E8 | 0010.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare Equal Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCESBS | E7E8 | 0010.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare Equal Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKESB | E7E8 | 0010.1100.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal Equal Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKESBS | E7E8 | 0010.1100.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal Equal Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCEDB | E7E8 | 0011.0000.0000 | Vector Floating point Compare Equal Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCEDBS | E7E8 | 0011.0000.0001 | Vector Floating point Compare Equal Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKEDB | E7E8 | 0011.0100.0000 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal Equal Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKEDBS | E7E8 | 0011.0100.0001 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal Equal Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCEDB | E7E8 | 0011.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare Equal Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCEDBS | E7E8 | 0011.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare Equal Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKEDB | E7E8 | 0011.1100.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal Equal Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKEDBS | E7E8 | 0011.1100.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal Equal Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCEXB | E7E8 | 0100.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare Equal eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCEXBS | E7E8 | 0100.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare Equal eXtended Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKEXB | E7E8 | 0100.1100.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal Equal eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKEXBS | E7E8 | 0100.1100.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal Equal eXtended Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCHESB | E7EA | 0010.0000.0000 | Vector Floating point Compare High or Equal Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCHESBS | E7EA | 0010.0000.0001 | Vector Floating point Compare High or Equal Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKHESB | E7EA | 0010.0100.0000 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal High or Equal Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKHESBS | E7EA | 0010.0100.0001 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal High or Equal Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHESB | E7EA | 0010.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High or Equal Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHESBS | E7EA | 0010.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High or Equal Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHESB | E7EA | 0010.1100.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High or Equal Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHESBS | E7EA | 0010.1100.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High or Equal Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCHEDB | E7EA | 0011.0000.0000 | Vector Floating point Compare High or Equal Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCHEDBS | E7EA | 0011.0000.0001 | Vector Floating point Compare High or Equal Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKHEDB | E7EA | 0011.0100.0000 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal High or Equal Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKHEDBS | E7EA | 0011.0100.0001 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal High or Equal Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHEDB | E7EA | 0011.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High or Equal Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHEDBS | E7EA | 0011.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High or Equal Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHEDB | E7EA | 0011.1100.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High or Equal Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHEDBS | E7EA | 0011.1100.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High or Equal Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHEXB | E7EA | 0100.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High or Equal eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHEXBS | E7EA | 0100.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High or Equal eXtended Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHEXB | E7EA | 0100.1100.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High or Equal eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHEXBS | E7EA | 0100.1100.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High or Equal eXtended Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCHSB | E7EB | 0010.0000.0000 | Vector Floating point Compare High Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCHSBS | E7EB | 0010.0000.0001 | Vector Floating point Compare High Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKHSB | E7EB | 0010.0100.0000 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal High Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKHSBS | E7EB | 0010.0100.0001 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal High Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHSB | E7EB | 0010.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHSBS | E7EB | 0010.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHSB | E7EB | 0010.1100.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHSBS | E7EB | 0010.1100.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High Single Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCHDB | E7EB | 0011.0000.0000 | Vector Floating point Compare High Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFCHDBS | E7EB | 0011.0000.0001 | Vector Floating point Compare High Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKHDB | E7EB | 0011.0100.0000 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal High Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFKHDBS | E7EB | 0011.0100.0001 | Vector Floating point Kompare and signal High Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHDB | E7EB | 0011.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHDBS | E7EB | 0011.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHDB | E7EB | 0011.1100.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHDBS | E7EB | 0011.1100.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High Double Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHXB | E7EB | 0100.1000.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFCHXBS | E7EB | 0100.1000.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Compare High eXtended Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHXB | E7EB | 0100.1100.0000 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFKHXBS | E7EB | 0100.1100.0001 | Would-be vector Floating point Kompare and signal High eXtended Bfp and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VFMINSB | E7EE | 0010.0000 | Vector Floating point MINimum Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMINSB | E7EE | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point MINimum Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFMINDB | E7EE | 0011.0000 | Vector Floating point MINimum Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMINDB | E7EE | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point MINimum Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMINXB | E7EE | 0100.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point MINimum eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFMAXSB | E7EF | 0010.0000 | Vector Floating point MAXimum Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMAXSB | E7EF | 0010.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point MAXimum Single Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VFMAXDB | E7EF | 0011.0000 | Vector Floating point MAXimum Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMAXDB | E7EF | 0011.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point MAXimum Double Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
WFMAXXB | E7EF | 0100.1000 | Would-be vector Floating point MAXimum eXtended Bfp | Extended Mnemonic |
VAVGLB | E7F0 | 0000 | Vector AVeraGe Logical Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VAVGLH | E7F0 | 0001 | Vector AVeraGe Logical Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VAVGLF | E7F0 | 0010 | Vector AVeraGe Logical Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VAVGLG | E7F0 | 0011 | Vector AVeraGe Logical Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VACCB | E7F1 | 0000 | Vector Add Compute Carry Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VACCH | E7F1 | 0001 | Vector Add Compute Carry Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VACCF | E7F1 | 0010 | Vector Add Compute Carry Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VACCG | E7F1 | 0011 | Vector Add Compute Carry Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VACCQ | E7F1 | 0100 | Vector Add Compute Carry Quadword | Extended Mnemonic |
VAVGB | E7F2 | 0000 | Vector AVeraGe Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VAVGH | E7F2 | 0001 | Vector AVeraGe Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VAVGF | E7F2 | 0010 | Vector AVeraGe Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VAVGG | E7F2 | 0011 | Vector AVeraGe Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VAB | E7F3 | 0000 | Vector Add Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VAH | E7F3 | 0001 | Vector Add Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VAF | E7F3 | 0010 | Vector Add Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VAG | E7F3 | 0011 | Vector Add Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VAQ | E7F3 | 0100 | Vector Add Quadword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSCBIB | E7F5 | 0000 | Vector Subtract Compute Borrow Indication Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VSCBIH | E7F5 | 0001 | Vector Subtract Compute Borrow Indication Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSCBIF | E7F5 | 0010 | Vector Subtract Compute Borrow Indication Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSCBIG | E7F5 | 0011 | Vector Subtract Compute Borrow Indication Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VSCBIQ | E7F5 | 0100 | Vector Subtract Compute Borrow Indication Quadword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSB | E7F7 | 0000 | Vector Subtract Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VSH | E7F7 | 0001 | Vector Subtract Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSF | E7F7 | 0010 | Vector Subtract Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VSG | E7F7 | 0011 | Vector Subtract Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VSQ | E7F7 | 0100 | Vector Subtract Quadword | Extended Mnemonic |
VCEQB | E7F8 | 0000.0000 | Vector Compare EQual Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VCEQBS | E7F8 | 0000.0001 | Vector Compare EQual Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VCEQH | E7F8 | 0001.0000 | Vector Compare EQual Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VCEQHS | E7F8 | 0001.0001 | Vector Compare EQual Halfword Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VCEQF | E7F8 | 0010.0000 | Vector Compare EQual Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VCEQFS | E7F8 | 0010.0001 | Vector Compare EQual Fullword Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VCEQG | E7F8 | 0011.0000 | Vector Compare EQual Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VCEQGS | E7F8 | 0011.0001 | Vector Compare EQual Grande Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHLB | E7F9 | 0000.0000 | Vector Compare High Logical Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHLBS | E7F9 | 0000.0001 | Vector Compare High Logical Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHLH | E7F9 | 0001.0000 | Vector Compare High Logical Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHLHS | E7F9 | 0001.0001 | Vector Compare High Logical Halfword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHLF | E7F9 | 0010.0000 | Vector Compare High Logical Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHLFS | E7F9 | 0010.0001 | Vector Compare High Logical Fullword and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHLG | E7F9 | 0011.0000 | Vector Compare High Logical Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHLGS | E7F9 | 0011.0001 | Vector Compare High Logical Grande and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHB | E7FB | 0000.0000 | Vector Compare High Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHBS | E7FB | 0000.0001 | Vector Compare High Byte and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHH | E7FB | 0001.0000 | Vector Compare High Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHHS | E7FB | 0001.0001 | Vector Compare High Halfword Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHF | E7FB | 0010.0000 | Vector Compare High Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHFS | E7FB | 0010.0001 | Vector Compare High Fullword Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHG | E7FB | 0011.0000 | Vector Compare High Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VCHGS | E7FB | 0011.0001 | Vector Compare High Grande and Set cc | Extended Mnemonic |
VMNLB | E7FC | 0000 | Vector MiNimum Logical Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMNLH | E7FC | 0001 | Vector MiNimum Logical Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMNLF | E7FC | 0010 | Vector MiNimum Logical Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMNLG | E7FC | 0011 | Vector MiNimum Logical Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VMXLB | E7FD | 0000 | Vector MaXimum Logical Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMXLH | E7FD | 0001 | Vector MaXimum Logical Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMXLF | E7FD | 0010 | Vector MaXimum Logical Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMXLG | E7FD | 0011 | Vector MaXimum Logical Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VMNB | E7FE | 0000 | Vector MiNimum Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMNH | E7FE | 0001 | Vector MiNimum Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMNF | E7FE | 0010 | Vector MiNimum Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMNG | E7FE | 0011 | Vector MiNimum Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
VMXB | E7FF | 0000 | Vector MaXimum Byte | Extended Mnemonic |
VMXH | E7FF | 0001 | Vector MaXimum Halfword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMXF | E7FF | 0010 | Vector MaXimum Fullword | Extended Mnemonic |
VMXG | E7FF | 0011 | Vector MaXimum Grande | Extended Mnemonic |
CLTH | EB23 | 0010 | Compare Logical and Trap on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLTL | EB23 | 0100 | Compare Logical and Trap on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLTNE | EB23 | 0110 | Compare Logical and Trap on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLTE | EB23 | 1000 | Compare Logical and Trap on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLTNL | EB23 | 1010 | Compare Logical and Trap on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLTNH | EB23 | 1100 | Compare Logical and Trap on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGTH | EB2B | 0010 | Compare Logical Grande and Trap on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGTL | EB2B | 0100 | Compare Logical Grande and Trap on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGTNE | EB2B | 0110 | Compare Logical Grande and Trap on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGTE | EB2B | 1000 | Compare Logical Grande and Trap on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGTNL | EB2B | 1010 | Compare Logical Grande and Trap on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGTNH | EB2B | 1100 | Compare Logical Grande and Trap on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHO | EBE0 | 0001 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHH | EBE0 | 0010 | Load On Condition Fullword High if High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHP | EBE0 | 0010 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHL | EBE0 | 0100 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHM | EBE0 | 0100 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHNE | EBE0 | 0111 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHNZ | EBE0 | 0111 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHE | EBE0 | 1000 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHZ | EBE0 | 1000 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHNL | EBE0 | 1011 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHNM | EBE0 | 1011 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHNH | EBE0 | 1101 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHNP | EBE0 | 1101 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCFHNO | EBE0 | 1110 | Load On Condition Fullword High if Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHO | EBE1 | 0001 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHH | EBE1 | 0010 | STore On Condition Fullword High if High | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHP | EBE1 | 0010 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHL | EBE1 | 0100 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Low | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHM | EBE1 | 0100 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHNE | EBE1 | 0111 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHNZ | EBE1 | 0111 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHE | EBE1 | 1000 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHZ | EBE1 | 1000 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHNL | EBE1 | 1011 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHNM | EBE1 | 1011 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHNH | EBE1 | 1101 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHNP | EBE1 | 1101 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCFHNO | EBE1 | 1110 | STore On Condition Fullword High if Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGO | EBE2 | 0001 | Load On Condition Grande if Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGH | EBE2 | 0010 | Load On Condition Grande if High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGP | EBE2 | 0010 | Load On Condition Grande if Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGL | EBE2 | 0100 | Load On Condition Grande if Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGM | EBE2 | 0100 | Load On Condition Grande if Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGNE | EBE2 | 0111 | Load On Condition Grande if Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGNZ | EBE2 | 0111 | Load On Condition Grande if Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGE | EBE2 | 1000 | Load On Condition Grande if Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGZ | EBE2 | 1000 | Load On Condition Grande if Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGNL | EBE2 | 1011 | Load On Condition Grande if Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGNM | EBE2 | 1011 | Load On Condition Grande if Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGNH | EBE2 | 1101 | Load On Condition Grande if Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGNP | EBE2 | 1101 | Load On Condition Grande if Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGNO | EBE2 | 1110 | Load On Condition Grande if Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGO | EBE3 | 0001 | STore On Condition Grande if Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGH | EBE3 | 0010 | STore On Condition Grande if High | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGP | EBE3 | 0010 | STore On Condition Grande if Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGL | EBE3 | 0100 | STore On Condition Grande if Low | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGM | EBE3 | 0100 | STore On Condition Grande if Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGNE | EBE3 | 0111 | STore On Condition Grande if Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGNZ | EBE3 | 0111 | STore On Condition Grande if Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGE | EBE3 | 1000 | STore On Condition Grande if Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGZ | EBE3 | 1000 | STore On Condition Grande if Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGNL | EBE3 | 1011 | STore On Condition Grande if Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGNM | EBE3 | 1011 | STore On Condition Grande if Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGNH | EBE3 | 1101 | STore On Condition Grande if Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGNP | EBE3 | 1101 | STore On Condition Grande if Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCGNO | EBE3 | 1110 | STore On Condition Grande if Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCO | EBF2 | 0001 | Load On Condition Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCH | EBF2 | 0010 | Load On Condition High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCP | EBF2 | 0010 | Load On Condition Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCL | EBF2 | 0100 | Load On Condition Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCM | EBF2 | 0100 | Load On Condition Minus / Mixed | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCNE | EBF2 | 0111 | Load On Condition Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCNZ | EBF2 | 0111 | Load On Condition Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCE | EBF2 | 1000 | Load On Condition Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCZ | EBF2 | 1000 | Load On Condition Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCNL | EBF2 | 1011 | Load On Condition Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCNM | EBF2 | 1011 | Load On Condition Not Minus / Mixed | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCNH | EBF2 | 1101 | Load On Condition Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCNP | EBF2 | 1101 | Load On Condition Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCNO | EBF2 | 1110 | Load On Condition Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCO | EBF3 | 0001 | STore On Condition Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCH | EBF3 | 0010 | STore On Condition High | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCP | EBF3 | 0010 | STore On Condition Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCL | EBF3 | 0100 | STore On Condition Low | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCM | EBF3 | 0100 | STore On Condition Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCNE | EBF3 | 0111 | STore On Condition Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCNZ | EBF3 | 0111 | STore On Condition Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCE | EBF3 | 1000 | STore On Condition Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCZ | EBF3 | 1000 | STore On Condition Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCNL | EBF3 | 1011 | STore On Condition Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCNM | EBF3 | 1011 | STore On Condition Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCNH | EBF3 | 1101 | STore On Condition Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCNP | EBF3 | 1101 | STore On Condition Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
STOCNO | EBF3 | 1110 | STore On Condition Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHIO | EC42 | 0001 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHIH | EC42 | 0010 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHIP | EC42 | 0010 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHIL | EC42 | 0100 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHIM | EC42 | 0100 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHINE | EC42 | 0111 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHINZ | EC42 | 0111 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHIE | EC42 | 1000 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHIZ | EC42 | 1000 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHINL | EC42 | 1011 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHINM | EC42 | 1011 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHINH | EC42 | 1101 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHINP | EC42 | 1101 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHINO | EC42 | 1110 | Load On Condition from Halfword Immediate if Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHIO | EC46 | 0001 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHIH | EC46 | 0010 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHIP | EC46 | 0010 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHIL | EC46 | 0100 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHIM | EC46 | 0100 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHINE | EC46 | 0111 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHINZ | EC46 | 0111 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHIE | EC46 | 1000 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHIZ | EC46 | 1000 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHINL | EC46 | 1011 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHINM | EC46 | 1011 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHINH | EC46 | 1101 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHINP | EC46 | 1101 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCGHINO | EC46 | 1110 | Load On Condition Grande from Halfword Immediate if Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHIO | EC4E | 0001 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHIH | EC4E | 0010 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHIP | EC4E | 0010 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHIL | EC4E | 0100 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHIM | EC4E | 0100 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHINE | EC4E | 0111 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHINZ | EC4E | 0111 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Not Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHIE | EC4E | 1000 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHIZ | EC4E | 1000 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Zero | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHINL | EC4E | 1011 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHINM | EC4E | 1011 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Not Mixed / Minus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHINH | EC4E | 1101 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHINP | EC4E | 1101 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Not Plus | Extended Mnemonic |
LOCHHINO | EC4E | 1110 | Load On Condition fullword High from Halfword Immediate if Not Ones / Overflow | Extended Mnemonic |
LLHFR | EC51 | [00.9F.20] | Load Low from High Fullword Register | Extended Mnemonic |
LLHLHR | EC51 | [10.9F.20] | Load Logical Halfword Low from High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
LLCLHR | EC51 | [18.9F.20] | Load Logical Character Low from High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
SRLLH | EC51 | [--.9F.20-] | Shift Right Logical Low from High | Extended Mnemonic |
RISBLGZ | EC51 | [--.|80.--] | Rotate then Insert Selected Bits Low from Grande with Zeroing | Extended Mnemonic |
SLLLH | EC51 | [00.9F-.20+] | Shift Left Logical Low from High | Extended Mnemonic |
NHHR | EC54 | [00.1F.00] | aNd High with High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
NHLR | EC54 | [00.1F.20] | aNd High with Low Register | Extended Mnemonic |
NLHR | EC54 | [20.3F.20] | aNd Low with High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
RNSBGT | EC54 | [|80.--.--] | Rotate then aNd Selected Bits Grande for Test only | Extended Mnemonic |
RISBGZ | EC55 | [--.|80.--] | Rotate then Insert Selected Bits Grande with Zeroing | Extended Mnemonic |
OHHR | EC56 | [00.1F.00] | Or High with High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
OHLR | EC56 | [00.1F.20] | Or High with Low Register | Extended Mnemonic |
OLHR | EC56 | [20.3F.20] | Or Low with High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
ROSBGT | EC56 | [|80.--.--] | Rotate then Or Selected Bits Grande for Test only | Extended Mnemonic |
XHHR | EC57 | [00.1F.00] | eXclusive-or High with High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
XHLR | EC57 | [00.1F.20] | eXclusive-or High with Low Register | Extended Mnemonic |
XLHR | EC57 | [20.3F.20] | eXclusive-or Low with High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
RXSBGT | EC57 | [|80.--.--] | Rotate then eXclusive or Selected Bits Grande for Test only | Extended Mnemonic |
RISBGNZ | EC59 | [--.|80.--] | Rotate then Insert Selected Bits Grande No cc change with Zeroing | Extended Mnemonic |
LHHR | EC5D | [00.9F.00] | Load High from High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
LHLR | EC5D | [00.9F.20] | Load High from Low Register | Extended Mnemonic |
LLHHHR | EC5D | [10.9F.00] | Load Logical Halfword High from High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
LLHHLR | EC5D | [10.9F.20] | Load Logical Halfword High from Low Register | Extended Mnemonic |
LLCHHR | EC5D | [18.9F.00] | Load Logical Character High from High Register | Extended Mnemonic |
LLCHLR | EC5D | [18.9F.20] | Load Logical Character High from Low Register | Extended Mnemonic |
SRLHH | EC5D | [--.1F.00-] | Shift Right Logical High from High | Extended Mnemonic |
SRLHL | EC5D | [--.1F.20-] | Shift Right Logical High from Low | Extended Mnemonic |
RISBHGZ | EC5D | [--.|80.--] | Rotate then Insert Selected Bits High from Grande with Zeroing | Extended Mnemonic |
SLLHH | EC5D | [00.1F-.--] | Shift Left Logical High from High | Extended Mnemonic |
SLLHL | EC5D | [00.1F-.20+] | Shift Left Logical High from Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRJH | EC64 | 0010 | Compare Grande Register and Jump on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRJL | EC64 | 0100 | Compare Grande Register and Jump on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRJNE | EC64 | 0110 | Compare Grande Register and Jump on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRJE | EC64 | 1000 | Compare Grande Register and Jump on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRJNL | EC64 | 1010 | Compare Grande Register and Jump on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRJNH | EC64 | 1100 | Compare Grande Register and Jump on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRJH | EC65 | 0010 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Jump on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRJL | EC65 | 0100 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Jump on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRJNE | EC65 | 0110 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Jump on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRJE | EC65 | 1000 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Jump on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRJNL | EC65 | 1010 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Jump on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRJNH | EC65 | 1100 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Jump on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CGITH | EC70 | 0010 | Compare Grande Immediate and Trap on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CGITL | EC70 | 0100 | Compare Grande Immediate and Trap on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGITNE | EC70 | 0110 | Compare Grande Immediate and Trap on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGITE | EC70 | 1000 | Compare Grande Immediate and Trap on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGITNL | EC70 | 1010 | Compare Grande Immediate and Trap on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGITNH | EC70 | 1100 | Compare Grande Immediate and Trap on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGITH | EC71 | 0010 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Trap on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGITL | EC71 | 0100 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Trap on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGITNE | EC71 | 0110 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Trap on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGITE | EC71 | 1000 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Trap on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGITNL | EC71 | 1010 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Trap on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGITNH | EC71 | 1100 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Trap on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CITH | EC72 | 0010 | Compare Immediate and Trap on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CITL | EC72 | 0100 | Compare Immediate and Trap on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CITNE | EC72 | 0110 | Compare Immediate and Trap on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CITE | EC72 | 1000 | Compare Immediate and Trap on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CITNL | EC72 | 1010 | Compare Immediate and Trap on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CITNH | EC72 | 1100 | Compare Immediate and Trap on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLFITH | EC73 | 0010 | Compare Logical Fullword Immediate and Trap on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLFITL | EC73 | 0100 | Compare Logical Fullword Immediate and Trap on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLFITNE | EC73 | 0110 | Compare Logical Fullword Immediate and Trap on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLFITE | EC73 | 1000 | Compare Logical Fullword Immediate and Trap on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLFITNL | EC73 | 1010 | Compare Logical Fullword Immediate and Trap on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLFITNH | EC73 | 1100 | Compare Logical Fullword Immediate and Trap on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CRJH | EC76 | 0010 | Compare Register and Jump on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CRJL | EC76 | 0100 | Compare Register and Jump on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CRJNE | EC76 | 0110 | Compare Register and Jump on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CRJE | EC76 | 1000 | Compare Register and Jump on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CRJNL | EC76 | 1010 | Compare Register and Jump on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CRJNH | EC76 | 1100 | Compare Register and Jump on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRJH | EC77 | 0010 | Compare Logical Register and Jump on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRJL | EC77 | 0100 | Compare Logical Register and Jump on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRJNE | EC77 | 0110 | Compare Logical Register and Jump on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRJE | EC77 | 1000 | Compare Logical Register and Jump on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRJNL | EC77 | 1010 | Compare Logical Register and Jump on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRJNH | EC77 | 1100 | Compare Logical Register and Jump on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIJH | EC7C | 0010 | Compare Grande Immediate and Jump on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIJL | EC7C | 0100 | Compare Grande Immediate and Jump on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIJNE | EC7C | 0110 | Compare Grande Immediate and Jump on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIJE | EC7C | 1000 | Compare Grande Immediate and Jump on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIJNL | EC7C | 1010 | Compare Grande Immediate and Jump on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIJNH | EC7C | 1100 | Compare Grande Immediate and Jump on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIJH | EC7D | 0010 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Jump on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIJL | EC7D | 0100 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Jump on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIJNE | EC7D | 0110 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Jump on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIJE | EC7D | 1000 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Jump on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIJNL | EC7D | 1010 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Jump on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIJNH | EC7D | 1100 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Jump on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CIJH | EC7E | 0010 | Compare Immediate and Jump on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CIJL | EC7E | 0100 | Compare Immediate and Jump on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CIJNE | EC7E | 0110 | Compare Immediate and Jump on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CIJE | EC7E | 1000 | Compare Immediate and Jump on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CIJNL | EC7E | 1010 | Compare Immediate and Jump on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CIJNH | EC7E | 1100 | Compare Immediate and Jump on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIJH | EC7F | 0010 | Compare Logical Immediate and Jump on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIJL | EC7F | 0100 | Compare Logical Immediate and Jump on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIJNE | EC7F | 0110 | Compare Logical Immediate and Jump on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIJE | EC7F | 1000 | Compare Logical Immediate and Jump on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIJNL | EC7F | 1010 | Compare Logical Immediate and Jump on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIJNH | EC7F | 1100 | Compare Logical Immediate and Jump on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRBH | ECE4 | 0010 | Compare Grande Register and Branch on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRBL | ECE4 | 0100 | Compare Grande Register and Branch on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRBNE | ECE4 | 0110 | Compare Grande Register and Branch on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRBE | ECE4 | 1000 | Compare Grande Register and Branch on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRBNL | ECE4 | 1010 | Compare Grande Register and Branch on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGRBNH | ECE4 | 1100 | Compare Grande Register and Branch on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRBH | ECE5 | 0010 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Branch on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRBL | ECE5 | 0100 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Branch on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRBNE | ECE5 | 0110 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Branch on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRBE | ECE5 | 1000 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Branch on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRBNL | ECE5 | 1010 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Branch on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGRBNH | ECE5 | 1100 | Compare Logical Grande Register and Branch on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CRBH | ECF6 | 0010 | Compare Register and Branch on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CRBL | ECF6 | 0100 | Compare Register and Branch on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CRBNE | ECF6 | 0110 | Compare Register and Branch on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CRBE | ECF6 | 1000 | Compare Register and Branch on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CRBNL | ECF6 | 1010 | Compare Register and Branch on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CRBNH | ECF6 | 1100 | Compare Register and Branch on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRBH | ECF7 | 0010 | Compare Logical Register and Branch on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRBL | ECF7 | 0100 | Compare Logical Register and Branch on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRBNE | ECF7 | 0110 | Compare Logical Register and Branch on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRBE | ECF7 | 1000 | Compare Logical Register and Branch on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRBNL | ECF7 | 1010 | Compare Logical Register and Branch on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLRBNH | ECF7 | 1100 | Compare Logical Register and Branch on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIBH | ECFC | 0010 | Compare Grande Immediate and Branch on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIBL | ECFC | 0100 | Compare Grande Immediate and Branch on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIBNE | ECFC | 0110 | Compare Grande Immediate and Branch on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIBE | ECFC | 1000 | Compare Grande Immediate and Branch on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIBNL | ECFC | 1010 | Compare Grande Immediate and Branch on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CGIBNH | ECFC | 1100 | Compare Grande Immediate and Branch on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIBH | ECFD | 0010 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Branch on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIBL | ECFD | 0100 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Branch on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIBNE | ECFD | 0110 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Branch on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIBE | ECFD | 1000 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Branch on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIBNL | ECFD | 1010 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Branch on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLGIBNH | ECFD | 1100 | Compare Logical Grande Immediate and Branch on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CIBH | ECFE | 0010 | Compare Immediate and Branch on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CIBL | ECFE | 0100 | Compare Immediate and Branch on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CIBNE | ECFE | 0110 | Compare Immediate and Branch on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CIBE | ECFE | 1000 | Compare Immediate and Branch on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CIBNL | ECFE | 1010 | Compare Immediate and Branch on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CIBNH | ECFE | 1100 | Compare Immediate and Branch on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIBH | ECFF | 0010 | Compare Logical Immediate and Branch on High | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIBL | ECFF | 0100 | Compare Logical Immediate and Branch on Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIBNE | ECFF | 0110 | Compare Logical Immediate and Branch on Not Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIBE | ECFF | 1000 | Compare Logical Immediate and Branch on Equal | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIBNL | ECFF | 1010 | Compare Logical Immediate and Branch on Not Low | Extended Mnemonic |
CLIBNH | ECFF | 1100 | Compare Logical Immediate and Branch on Not High | Extended Mnemonic |
There are 1385 entries in this list.
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