© Copyright B.V. Bixoft 1999-2003. All rights reserved.

Generate listing of all covered data areas

This program makes use of various macros from Bixoft's eXtended Assembly language. For your convenience the non-trivial macros are described here. For a complete overview, please refer to the Macro overview page on this site.

Macro Short description
PGM Program entry logic, including DSECT mappings
GENMAPS Generates mappings for control block acronyms in its parm list

This software is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
More information is available from the Free Software Foundation or the Open Source Initiative.

This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this software; if not, write to either of the following:

the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place, Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307
United States of America
B.V. Bixoft
Rogge 9
7261 JA Ruurlo
The Netherlands
phone: +31-6-22755401

This software - and more programs and macros - are available in a format more suitable for uploading to your mainframe. Please e-mail B.V. Bixoft with your request and you will receive a zipped IEBUPDTE job with the program sources.

*                                                                       00000100
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  00000200
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  00000300
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License         00000400
* or (at your option) any later version.                                00000500
* The license text is available at the following internet addresses:    00000600
* -                               00000700
* -                                                      00000800
* -                                               00000900
*                                                                       00001000
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       00001100
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        00001200
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.                  00001400
*                                                                       00001500
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     00001600
* along with this program; if not, write to either of the following:    00001700
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc.      B.V. Bixoft                   00001800
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330              Rogge 9                       00001900
* Boston, MA 02111-1307                   7261 JA Ruurlo                00002000
* United States of America                The Netherlands               00002100
*                                                                       00002200
*                                         e-mail:      00002300
*                                         phone : +31-6-22755401        00002400
*                                                                       00002500
*PROCESS FLAG(SUBSTR)                                                   00010000
*PROCESS RENT                                                           00020000
*********************************************************************** 00030000
*                                                                       00040000
* BIXXAMS - Bixoft Cross Access Method Services                         00050000
* Licensed material - Property of B.V. Bixoft                           00060000
*                                                                       00070000
* This program can be licensed or used on an as-is basis.               00080000
* No warranty, neither implicit nor explicit, is given.                 00090000
* It remains your own responsibility to ensure the correct              00100000
* working of this program in your installation.                         00110000
*                                                                       00120000
* Suggestions for improvement are always welcome at                     00130000
*  or mail to                   00140000
*                                                                       00150000
* (C) Copyright B.V. Bixoft, 1999-2000                                  00160000
*********************************************************************** 00170000
*                                                                       00180000
* This program performs no function:                                    00190000
*   it is used only for generating a listing of all dsects used.        00200000
*                                                                       00210000
*********************************************************************** 00220000
         LCLC  &SELECT                 * Selection variable             00230000
&SELECT  SETC  'REGS'                  * Select a single map macro      00240000
&SELECT  SETC  '*BXA'                  * Select bixxams map-macros      00250000
&SELECT  SETC  '*ALLMAPS'              * Select all map-macros          00260000
&SELECT  SETC  '*ALLMACS'              * Select all macros              00270000
*                                                                       00280000
         AIF   ('&SELECT'(1,1) EQ '*').NOTSA                            00290000
*                                                                       00300000
* Entry for stand-alone testing new mapping macro's                     00310000
         PGM   VERSION=V00R00M00,      * Version number                *00320000
               HDRTXT='Map testing',   * Header for loadmod            *00330000
               ENTRY=SUBPGM,           * Entry for subroutine          *00340000
               ABND=1,                 * User abend code               *00350000
               MAPS=(&SELECT),         * Map to be tested              *00360000
               LIST=YES                * Generate listing               00370000
         AGO   .END                    *                                00380000
.NOTSA   ANOP  ,                       *                                00390000
&SAVES   SETC  '0'                     * Default                        00400000
         AIF   ('&SELECT' NE '*ALLMACS').SAVESOK                        00410000
&SAVES   SETC  '1'                     * Required for *ALLMACS          00420000
.SAVESOK ANOP  ,                       *                                00430000
*                                                                       00440000
* Entry for a complete overview of all BIXXAMS mapping macro's          00450000
         PGM   VERSION=V00R00M00,      * Version number                *00460000
               HDRTXT='Mapping module for BIXXAMS',                    *00470000
               ENTRY=SUBPGM,           * Entry for subroutine          *00480000
               ABND=1,                 * User abend code               *00490000
               SAVES=&SAVES,           * Internal save areas           *00500000
               MAPS=($AMQS,$BDS,$BDSD,$BDSL,$BDST,$COPY,$DAPL,$DBG,    *00510000
               $OCW,$PCW,$SCB,$SNAP,$SRB,$TST,$UNLD),                  *00520000
               LIST=YES                * And generate a listing         00530000
         AIF   ('&SELECT' EQ '*BXA').END                                00540000
         AIF   ('&SELECT' EQ '*ALLMAPS').GENALL                         00550000
         AIF   ('&SELECT' EQ '*ALLMACS').GENALL                         00560000
&SELECT  SETC  (DOUBLE '&SELECT')      *                                00570000
         MNOTE 8,'Invalid value for &&SELECT - &SELECT'                 00580000
         AGO   .END                    *                                00590000
.GENALL  ANOP  ,                       *                                00600000
*                                                                       00610000
* Other mapping macros (A-C):                                           00620000
         GENMAPS (ABEP,ACB,ACEE,ADSR,ADYENF,AE,ASCB,ASEO,              *00630000
               ASMVT,ASSB,ASVT,ASXB,   *                               *00640000
               BASEA,BITS,             *                               *00650000
               CAM,CDE,CIB,COM,CQE,CSCB,CVT),                          *00660000
               LIST=YES                *                                00670000
*                                                                       00680000
* Other mapping macros (D-I):                                           00690000
               DSCB,DSCB1,DSCB2,DSCB3,DSCB4,DSCB5,                     *00710000
               ECB,ECVT,EPAL,EQU,EVNT, *                               *00720000
               FRRPL,FRRS,             *                               *00730000
               GVT,GVTX,               *                               *00740000
               IEANT,IECEQ,IHSA,IOB,IOQ,IOSB),                         *00750000
               LIST=YES                *                                00760000
*                                                                       00770000
* Other mapping macros (J-R):                                           00780000
         GENMAPS (JCT,JCTX,JESCT,JFCB,JFCBE,JFCBX,JSCB,                *00790000
               LCT,LDA,LLE,LMASM,LPDE, *                               *00800000
               OCPL,ORE,OUCB,          *                               *00810000
               QCB,QEL,QHT,QMIDS,      *                               *00830000
               RB,RCTD,REGS,RMCT,RMPL,RPL,RQE,RT1W),                   *00840000
               LIST=YES                *                                00850000
*                                                                       00860000
* Other mapping macros (S-Z):                                           00870000
               SSDR,SSL,SSOB,SSRB,STCB,SVCE,SVRB,SVT,SWAPX,S99,        *00890000
               TAXE,TCB,TCCW,TCT,TIOT,TQE,                             *00900000
               UCB,UCM,                *                               *00910000
               VRA,VSL,                *                               *00920000
               WQE,WTOPL,              *                               *00930000
               XSB),                   *                               *00940000
               LIST=YES                *                                00950000
         AIF   ('&SELECT' NE '*ALLMACS').END                            00960000
*                                                                       00970000
* Routine that will never execute                                       00980000
         IF    R12,EQ,R13              * Can never be true              00990000
          EXSR ALLMACS                 *                                01000000
         ELSE  ,                       * Always taken: leave empty      01010000
         ENDIF ,                       *                                01020000
*                                                                       01030000
.END     ANOP  ,                       *                                01040000
*                                                                       01050000
         RETRN RC=0                    * Normal return to caller        01060000
         AIF   ('&SELECT' NE '*ALLMACS').LTORG                          01070000
*********************************************************************** 01080000
*                                                                       01090000
* Routine to inlcude all macros                                         01100000
*                                                                       01110000
*********************************************************************** 01120000
ALLMACS  BEGSR ,                       *                                01130000
*                                                                       01140000
R_SLIST  EQUREG ,                      *                                01150000
         USE   SNAPLIST,R_SLIST        *                                01160000
R_HLIST  EQUREG ,                      *                                01170000
         USE   SNAPHLIST,R_HLIST       *                                01180000
R_DBG    EQUREG ,                      *                                01190000
         USE   DBG,R_DBG,              *                               *01200000
               OVR=((DBGSAVE,DBGSA))   *                                01210000
*                                                                       01220000
         DBG   ABND,NOWARN             *                                01230000
         DS    0F                      *                                01240000
FLD1     DCOVR AL4(266)                *                                01250000
FLD1     DC    FL2'66'                 *                                01260000
         DCOVR *END                    *                                01270000
TESTRDTA RDATA CMDTXT,'TEST'           *                                01280000
*                                                                       01290000
         BALE  R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01300000
         BALH  R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01310000
         BALL  R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01320000
         BALM  R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01330000
         BALO  R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01340000
         BALP  R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01350000
         BALZ  R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01360000
         BALNE R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01370000
         BALNH R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01380000
         BALNL R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01390000
         BALNM R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01400000
         BALNO R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01410000
         BALNP R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01420000
         BALNZ R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01430000
*                                                                       01440000
         BASE  R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01450000
         BASH  R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01460000
         BASL  R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01470000
         BASM  R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01480000
         BASO  R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01490000
         BASP  R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01500000
         BASZ  R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01510000
         BASNE R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01520000
         BASNH R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01530000
         BASNL R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01540000
         BASNM R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01550000
         BASNO R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01560000
         BASNP R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01570000
         BASNZ R14,ALLMACSX            *                                01580000
*                                                                       01590000
         CASE  DBG_PROB                *                                01600000
          RWTO 'DBG:PROB'              *                                01610000
         ENDCASE ,                     *                                01620000
*                                                                       01630000
         DO    UNTIL,R0,Z              *                                01640000
          EPSW R0                      *                                01650000
          LEAVE NZ                     *                                01660000
          LOOP ,                       *                                01670000
         ENDDO ,                       *                                01680000
*                                                                       01690000
         EXCLC 0(R1,R2),0(R4)          *                                01700000
         EXMVC 0(R1,R2),0(R4)          *                                01710000
         EXSVC (R14)                   *                                01720000
         EXTR  0(R1,R2),0(R4)          *                                01730000
         EXTRT 0(R1,R2),0(R4)          *                                01740000
         EXXC  0(R1,R2),0(R4)          *                                01750000
         MVPL  DBGENQ,DBG_ENQ          *                                01760000
*                                                                       01770000
         IF$ALC R5                     *                                01780000
         IF$LS R4,FLD1,4,A             *                                01790000
         IF$LU R4,FLD1,4,A             *                                01800000
*                                                                       01810000
         INC   R5                      *                                01820000
         LC    R5,0(R4)                *                                01830000
         LTA24 R5,0(R4)                *                                01840000
         LTC   R5,0(R4)                *                                01850000
         LTH   R5,0(R4)                *                                01860000
         LTHU  R5,0(R4)                *                                01870000
         STA24 R5,0(R4)                *                                01880000
*                                                                       01890000
         SET   DBGINIT                 *                                01900000
         SETOF DBG_PROB                *                                01910000
         SETON DBG_PROB                *                                01920000
         SETMODE PSWKEY,KEY=8          *                                01930000
*                                                                       01940000
         SNAPNTRY (R4),                *                               *01950000
               LEN=(R6),               *                               *01960000
               HDR='>> CB - Some Control Block'                         01970000
*                                                                       01980000
         GOTO  ALLMACSX                *                                01990000
TRTAB1   TRTAB UC                      *                                02000000
         USEDREGS ,                    *                                02010000
*                                                                       02020000
DBG_ENQ  ENQ   (0,0,E,0,SYSTEM),       * Prototype for ENQ             *02030000
               RET=NONE,MF=L           *   plist                        02040000
*                                                                       02050000
ALLMACSX LABEL ,                       *                                02060000
         GBLB  &SP_OPT                 * Optimize switch                02070000
         AIF   (&SP_OPT).NOOPSYNS      *                                02080000
         OPSYNS LA,LR                  *                                02090000
.NOOPSYNS ANOP ,                       *                                02100000
         IPK   ,                       * Macro IPK                      02110000
         LA    R7,4                    * Macro LA                       02120000
         LR    R15,R7                  * Macro LR                       02130000
         TRT   0(8,R4),0(R8)           * Macro TRT                      02140000
*                                                                       02150000
         ENDSR ,                       *                                02160000
.LTORG   ANOP  ,                       *                                02170000
*********************************************************************** 02180000
*                                                                       02190000
* Constants etc.                                                        02200000
*                                                                       02210000
*********************************************************************** 02220000
         LTORG ,                       *                                02230000
*                                                                       02240000
         END                                                            02250000


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